Chapter 3

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  "Why are we here again?" Eve asked.

She was too busy staring around in the DMV as Mazikeen had her feet propped up on an available seat next to here.

" You need a job, Eve. And in order to get a job you need an ID. You have your social and mail, so we shouldnt be here too long." Maze huffed.

  " Number 81." Eve looked at her number and sighed.

" Mines is 230." She said flatly.

" We're going to be here for a while." Mazikeen said. Eves head twisted behind her and began focusint her attention on an infant that was laughing with his mother.

" Dont think about it." Maze advised.

" It wouldn't be so bad." Eve started.

" How do you figure, Eve? You havent had a baby in a long ass time."

" Now with all these resources and help, it shouldn't be that hard to raise a child." Eve suggested staring at Maze.

  " You're looking at me like I can get you pregnant." Maze laughed.

" Well, can you?" Eve asked. Maze's eyes went wide.

" Eve I cant give you a baby." Maze assured her.

" But we have sex-

" And just because we have sex doesnt mean I can impregnate you. Only a man can do that. Why do you think they have penises?"

  Eves arched her eyebrows and her face grew surprised.

" Oohhhh, that explains so much."

" Why do you think God man and woman?"

  Eve laughed in embarrassment.

" I dont know, Maze. I just really want another child. I love kids."

" Can't help you with that one. If you are ready for a baby you can always get a sperm donor." Maze said.

" What's that?" Eve asked.

" It's when a healthy male skeets in a small cup and the hospital pays him for his sperm. Then a woman comes in and they put the sperm inside of her so she can have a baby." Maze informed her.

" Damn, that's amazing." Eve was still in shock by the whole thing.

" Number 230."


" Smile." A heavy set lady said in a dull tone. Eve smiled big as her picture was taken. She waited until a copy of her id was printed out before her and Maze was able to leave.

" Now, a job." Maze blurted out as they walked down the streets of LA.

" Huh?" Eve asked.

" You cant expect to have a baby and not get a job. How will you support it?" Maze questioned.

" Eve you should know this. You had two children before."

" Maze its been so many years since I've mothered my boys."

Eve is very oblivious to the modern world. Technology was still knew to her.

  " Well, take it from me Eve. If you want a baby, you need stability."  Maze and Eve walked into a local pizza shop not too far from Lux. A tall dark man, somewhere in his 20's walked up to the counter gawking at the beautiful women.

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