Chapter 7

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  " Good morning." Chloe greeted to Maze. Maze was eating her buttered toast as she do every morning, and she noticed Chloes physical state.

" Damn girl, were you caught in a tornado or something?" Maze laughed.

" Something like that." Chloe stammered, not looking at Maze. The bed head, glossy tired eyes, and that scent. She knew sex when she saw it.

  " Who had you in bed last night?" Maze asked.

" No one, I was just- tired and decided to take a day off and rest." Chloe lied.

" But you never take days off unless its an emergency or vacation." Maze mentioned.

" Things change."

For the past 3 days Chloe has been acting very weird since... Lucifer came back.

" OOHHHH." Maze yelled, pointing at Decker. Chloe was looking around nervously, hoping Maze didnt find out.

"Where's Lucifer?"

" Morning Maze." Lucifer smiled bodly. He wore a skimpy silk robe that obviously belonged to Chloe and a pair of fuzzy slippers.

" I knew it." Maze smirked crossing her arms and staring at Chloe who was trying to get her hair straightened.

" You dirty dog." Maze laughed.

" It just happened Maze." Chloe replied.

" Many, many times actually." Lucifer butted in, sipping from a coffee mug.

" Lucifer, put back on your clothes I have work today." Chloe rushed to her room to began changing.

" Why am I so surprised. I should've known this would happen. But ole MODEST Chloe made it seem as if she wasnt about it." Maze teased.

" Why mock Mazi? Upset you havent had any pleasure in a while." Lucifer teased back.

" I had some very recently actually."

" Oh yeah, since when?" Lucifer sipped out the mug again whilst looking at Maze who was thinking how long its been since she's gotten laid.

" Its... Been a minute actually." Maze grew confused.

" Lucifer please put on your clothes I have to leave in 10 minutes." Chloe begged.

" On it." Lucifer chimed heading to the room and soon came out dressed. He smacked Chloes backside making Chloe blush and turn red.

" Have a good day Detective." He kissed Chloe on her lips softly and headed out before her.

  " Who knew that the great old Lucifer was romantic." Maze said.

" Wow." Chloe began to reminisce.

" How was it?" Maze cheesed.

" I- I cant describe it. It was amazing... I literally counted how many times we've done it, the man has so much stamina. 33 times." Chloe was in a daze, looking off into space.

" Beats my count." Maze laughed.


   Eve kissed Daniel passionately before she left for work. She was on her way back to Lucifers penthouse before she saw someone family crossing the street ahead of her in nothing but a torn shirt and ripped jeans and sandles. She roll ed her eyes as the man approached her faster once he seen her.

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