Chapter 14

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  " So you're coming to me because????" Mazikeen asked waving her hands a bit.

" Mazikeen are you... Really a demon?" Dan asked.

" Ha!" Mazikeen laughed.

" Im not laughing, Eve was explaining to me th-

" Look! Im so tired of hearing about Eve. Whatever Eve says you shouldnt take it serious, shes a loony character." Mazikeen spoke harshly taking a big bite of jelly toast.

  " But you always want someone to take you serious." Dan spat.

" What do you want from me Dan."

" The fucking truth Maze!" Dan yelled. Maze licked her lips and stood in front of Dan.

" Dan, I cant give you the truth. You're like.... An overly dramatic person. And if I showed you the real thing, the REAL me. You wont be able to handle it. You'll be worse then Chloe."

Mazikeen didnt want to reveal herself to Dan. Dan wasnt someone who can handle the truth. Just like he still couldnt handle the fact that Charlotte was gone. He would lash out on everyone or worse.

" Youre still grieving over Charlotte. What makes you think-

" JUST!- Just show me. I need answers."

Maze gave Dan a weak smile. Dan stood frozen with a fearful look, as he stared into Mazes face. The right side of her face was still there, but her left side was deformed, skeletal, and completely horrifying. Maze transformed back to her regular self. But Dan was still frozen.

" H-ho-how-

Dan stuttered, trying to not over react, he was scared.

" Im Mazikeen of the Lilim. Lilith, the very first woman before Eve, is my mother. She abused me, so bad, she scared my face like this."

  Dan snapped out of it and tears flowed from his eyes.

" Why are you here? Living amoungst HUMANS?!" Dan whispered yelled.

" Lucifers idea. He got tired of being the king of hell, and he drug me along with him to Earth. I wish I never followed him. Humans has made me.... Weak."

Mazikeens heart has soften for humanity. In the beginning she despised humans, didnt want anything to do with them. She's spent almost a decade with them, and now she doesnt want to leave.

Dan couldn't take it, he ran outside of Chloes and Mazes home and threw up on their lawn.

" Hey! We just got that grass cut!" Maze shouted as she watched Dan drive off in his car.

Dan reached the precinct and stormed inside making a couple of his colleagues stare at him, he saw Chloe sitting at her desk looking through files.

" I don't want Trixie anywhere near Mazikeen again." Dan whispered harshly.

" Where is this coming from? Is she throwing knives again?" Chloes asked shocked.

" Thats should be the least of your worries." Dan spat.

" Dan Im on a very important case, we will talk later." Chloe said looking down again.

" No." Dan pulled out a chair and scooted closer to Chloe.

" Ok what is really the issue here?"

" You didnt inform me that Mazikeen was a fucking Demon." Dan whispered. Chloes eyes widened.

" Eve was saying some shit about being the woman from the Garden. Then she suggested I get proof from Maze or Luci. Maze- she showed me her face." Chloe saw the frightened look on his face.

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