Chapter 6

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  " Come on monkey, your bus is here." Chloe helped Trixie with her back pack after breakfast.

" Have your homework?" Chloe asked.

" Yes mommy." Trixie replied sweetly.

" Let's go before the bus leaves." Chloe guided Trixie towards her school bus. Chloe watched as Trixie exited the bus, waving goodbye to her daughter. She smiled and went into the house to start getting ready for work.

  When she closed the door she heard shuffling in the kitchen. She swiftly pulled out her gun gently putting her on the trigger moving slowly towards the kitchen.

" Who's ever in here, I'm a cop and I have gun. So leave, NOW." She yelled. She crept slowly towards the kitchen and quickly turned pointing her gun at the intruder.

" Wow, detective. I'm guessing you're not happy to see me, hm?"

" Lucifer?" Chloe was in shock and dropped her gun on the hard wood floor. A tear escaped her eye as she ran to him, hugging him tightly.

" I missed you so much." Chloe cried.

" I've missed you too Chloe. Alot." Lucifer confessed.

" The devil himself admitted he missed me." Chloe laughed.
" I thought you were gone for good."

" Afraid so, but, dear old dad awaken me from my slumber one morning and told an unfortunate soul escaped heaven, again." Chloe cocked her head in confusion.

" How is that even possible?"

" Don't know, but he needs to keep an eye on his worthy ones next time and stop calling on me." He spat in his thick english accent.

" I told Amen and Maze about it. Eve is aware as well."

" W-why does Eve have to know anything?" Chloe grew jealous of the womans name.

" We- the person that left was her husband." Lucifer continued, going through Chloes fridge and taking a yogurt.

" THE, first man? Adam?" Chloe asked shocked.

" Don't be so shocked, no one was thrilled to see the asshole. He came back for Eve. He missed her and Eve didnt want to go back and now he's upset and is trying is best to get her back."

" This is weird."

There was a small silence and Lucifer smiled small at Chloe throwing the empty yogurt cup away. Something in Chloe made her feel.... Awkward. The same feeling she had when her and Cain became intimate. She crossed her legs trying to avoid the tingly sensation in between her thighs. Lucifer noticed and stood up and came close to her.

" You got that look in your eye, Chlo." He whispered. She backed up some as he neared her only for her to be cornered.

" Tell me... What is it that you want?" He asked. He grabbed Chloes soft slinder hand and put her index finger in his mouth ever so slowly. Chloe gasped, and her breathing heightened.

" I-i dont know what you mean." She lied. Lucifer wanted Chloe just as much as Chloe wanted him. Chloe had those nights where she would dream or think about her and Lucifer having a moment. Going so long without sex, Chloe found other ways to please herself while Lucifer was gone, and her closet clearly showed. Lucifer grabbed Chloes chin with his fingers and tilted her head. He leaned in fast and both engulfed one other in a hug whilst tonguing each other.

~ Rated R ~

  In the room, lucifer was already undressed letting Chloe know that he was all hers, but as for Chole she was a bit shy.

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