Don't care about me ♡ Seungseok

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Seungyeon x Wooseok

The boys didn't think they would get this much attention right after debut. But "getting attention" was almost an understatement. They had to be everywhere, music programs, variety programs, then radio programs and fansigns, it was hard to have time to sleep, talk or even eat.

It was obvious that with time, the chaotic schedule would take a toll on their bodies and health. Eating unhealthily, getting little sleep, while being active for the whole day can make anyone weak.

It seemed like the toll had come earlier for a certain tiny hyung though. It was just the end of summer and middle of promotions that Woseok started feeling weird. At first he would just feel slightly weak and drowsy, but just took it as being tired.

It was in a day which they didn't have such early schedules that he noticed something wrong. As soon as he woke up, he felt extremely cold, and he could see it was still too early to wake up. He gathered his covers and curled up on the bed. He roomed alone, different from other team members, so he was happy he wouldn't bother them.

For a few minutes he stayed there, curled up, feeling cold even thought it could not be less than 24° Celsius in the room. The drowsiness from days before came back along with him feeling sick. Wooseok stood up, taking the blanket with him and quietly left his room to go to the bathroom, maybe a splash of water would make him feel better.

He sleepily walked to do the bathroom, and carefully opened the door, not bothering to turn on the lights or put on his glasses. He reached for the sink, and washed his face with a bit of cold water. Everything was fine, he would just go back to his room and try to sleep again. But as he was leaving the bathroom, he started feeling lightheaded and his blanket got stuck on the door, making it easy for him to lose balance and fall with a thump.

Wooseok prayed no one had heard anything. He just sat on the ground for a while, waiting for the feeling to subside. That's when he heard a door open behind him. From what he remembered, it was probably Hangyul's and Seungyeon's room.

"Wooseok-ah? What are you doing? You fell?"

Seungyeon's soft, sleepy voice said very quietly, afraid of waking up the other members. He walked closer and crouched near the fallen member.  Beads of sweat made Wooseok's skin appear slightly shiny because of the little bit of light that came from the window, and the ends of his fringe were wet. Seungyeon frowned, quickly reaching out to touch the other's forehead, suddenly alarmed and very awake.

"Wooseok-ah, you have such a high fever, why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I'll just sleep more, you should too"

Wooseok said, and even with the small lighting, he could see Seungyeon's stubborn face. The taller wrapped one arm around the other's waist, the other arm slightly holding his forearm and helped Wooseok stand up.

"I'll take you to your room, and come back with a towel"

Wooseok started to protest when Seungyeon just leaned down, pulling his arm under Wooseok's knees and picking him up.

"You have two choices, stay quiet and let me do this, or keep protesting and let me do this. Difference is, the second one can be a lot more stubborn and will have a comeback  afterwards when you are healthy"

Wooseok just stayed silent. Both because of what Seungyeon said and because he knew Seungyeon would not rest before he knew his member was fine. That's a characteristic all the oldest members shared after all.

Seungyeon carried Wooseok easily to the smaller's room and laid him down carefully, covering him with the blanket right afterwards. Then he ran back to the bathroom, getting a towel and water. He made his way back to the room, closing the door. He sat on the floor, wetting the towel and squeezing it before folding it. He pulled Wooseok's fringe up carefully, slightly treading his fingers through the soft hair. He put the towel on Wooseok's forehead, just then noticing how Wooseok's eyes had not once left his face.

"How are you feeling, Wooseok-ah?"

"I'm... just a bit lightheaded and cold."

Wooseok thought about lying at first. Truth is, Seungyeon can always see right through him. He knew Seungyeon would immediately notice if he lied, and would probably be a bit upset about it, so he just decided on telling him the truth.

"How long have you been feeling like this? You should have told us. You probably didn't just feel bad now"

"A few days... I didn't want you guys to have to take care of me. You know, with Seungwoo we are the oldest members. We should take care of them, not the other way around"

"I know how it feels. I always don't really like making the younger members worried. They're too young, they should just enjoy this as much as possible, and let us deal with the more complicated stuff. But still, Wooseok-ah... at least the three of us should rely on each other. Or at least, you should rely on me Wooseok-ah. You know how much I care about you."

"I know, and you know I also care about you a lot... since the beginning, remember? That day in B class. You were such a bright person from the very beginning. You gave energy to every single one of us. I was really happy about that."

"And you were slightly shy at first. I remember watching you around Jinhyuk sometimes. I remember wishing so bad you could open up to me like that. So you were one of the first people I approached."

"Really? You liked me that much?"

Seungyeon started absentmindedly running his fingers through Wooseok's hair, the height of the bed being perfect for both boys to look at each others faces. Wooseok smiled, putting his hands under the side of his face to keep looking at Seungyeon.

"Yeah. I wanted to see this smile so so bad... the exact same one you're giving me right now. I guess I can declare my mission a success right?"

"I guess you can, Seungyeon-ah. I think from the beginning we kind of clicked together. I liked being with you, and we always played around"

"Yeah, we did. But there are still a few things you haven't done with me that are part of my mission."

"And what would those be?"

"That hug you gave to Jinhyuk, even slightly burying your head on his chest. I'm taller you know, you can do that to me too."

Wooseok couldn't help but turn slightly and hit Seungyeon's head, who quietly yelped and pouted.

"I may be shorter, but you also know I'm the best at arm wrestling"

"I still want that hug"

"Standing up isnt a possibility right now"

Seungyeon just slightly smiled and before Wooseok could react, he climbed into the bed and under the covers, their faces suddenly so close they could feel each other's breaths. Wooseok said very quietly, a bit embarrassed:

"Hey, I'm sweaty, I will make you dirty as well..."

"I don't care"

Seungyeon smiled and pulled the shorter male into a hug, tucking him in slightly so his head would rest on his shoulder. Slowly wooseok hugged back, resting his arm around Seungyeon's torso, as one of Seungyeon's arms was under him around his waist, and the other around his shoulders, caressing the back of Wooseok's neck. At first Wooseok was still embarrassed, but soon relaxed and relied on the others touch.

"I think this is way better than the hug you gave to Jinhyuk"

"I think you can say that..."

Seungyeon smiled at the soft sleepy voice of his pretty friend. He hoped they could have many many more moments like these, and maybe, just maybe, even more romantic ones. Needless to say, it wasn't only hugs that he wanted.

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