What Is Love? ♡ X1

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I am finally back! My finals just ended so I'm back to this book.
To start off, this is a requested one shot that I found pretty adorable.
It does not include all 11 members, because that's way too much for my brain to take, so it will be

Seungwooseok X 02 liners

Anyways I hope you enjoy this teasing and fluffy oneshot!
By the way, it almost takes off all from Seungwoo's point of view, and I did mention Seungseok many times.
So, I hope you enjoy it!


Having high schoolers as team mates is surely a hassle. Well, first off high school itself is a hassle. With all the over demanding assignments, hard tests and way too much concepts for a hormonal 15-17 year old brain to take in. And having all of that to do surely made them get stressed out, and easily moody, which sometimes was two much for the 5 hyungs of the group to deal with (well mostly three, because the two youngest ones sometimes were worse than the maknaes). And also, having left high school long ago, it was hard to help even though they wanted to.

The oldest members mostly helped with what they could. Sometimes even studied again the things they forgot to try and explain to the younger ones. When they couldn't, they at least tried to be supportive, and helped doing other tasks so that the youngers had more time to study or do their assignments.

They had already established a bit of a routine. The oldest members would send the youngers to school, tidy up the house a bit, leave to practice and the youngest would mostly go directly to the practice room after school. They even had organized a small room (which was a studio before) for the 6 members to study at, and the older members would occasionally come to check on them and bring snacks.

It was Seungwoo who got in that evening a bit after the younger members arrived, carrying snacks. But to his surprise, instead of the 5 members (since Dohyun actually had an assignment to do with his group after school only the 02 liners went to the practice room) jumping to get snacks, all of them were just staring at their notebooks blankly. Which was more than weird.

"What's going on with you?"

(You know the drill)

DP: "hyung, why are teachers so evil?"

Seungwoo lightly chuckled at the younger, walking over to gently ruffle Dongpyo's hair.

SW: "teachers aren't evil, Dongpyo-ya. They may have ways to do things you find evil, but they aren't evil themselves"

ES: "hyung, you don't know our teacher, she's evil"

JH: "she's scary"

HJ: "she isn't scary to me... but her assignments are hard"

JH: "she isn't scary for you because she finds you adorable and babies you all the time, but she hates everyone else"

SW: "alright, alright, calm down and tell me what such evil assignment she gave you"

Seungwoo pulled a chair to sit down in the middle of the room, in a way he could see all the other 5. The younger ones turned their chairs as well, turning away from the tables to face their leader.

MH: "hyung, what is love?"

SW: "Love? Hmm..."

The older could feel his cheeks burning at the very sudden and very personal question.

SW: "She wants an actual theoretic answer?"

ES: "Yes, she always does"

SW: "Love is... Love is... you know, I think the others might be able to help you better."

X1 OneShots (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now