Cuddle Night ♡ Hyungjun Wooseok

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I'm sorry for not uploading, the past events seem to have again taken a toll on my mental state. But I'll try to upload at least shorter one shots.
I also will not compromise to do every single one of the oneshots I receive, but I will surely try to do most of them when they're appropriate.

This is just an extremely fluffy oneshot between Hyungjun and Wooseok, something requested a few days ago by someone I lost the user name of, as always.

Anyways, enjoy this fluff ball of a oneshot.


It had been a over a month after debut. The happiness of finally debuting and with such a group of amazing, kind and talented individuals was clear on everyone's face. They were just so happy to do what they loved with a group that they also loved.

But that didn't mean it was all flowers. With all the schedules it was obvious they were tired, and due to being tired they also got sensitive. They would get more affected by simple things, like when Wooseok simply cried because of Yohan, or how all members would let their feelings a lot more clear than usual. And a certain dialect speaking poodle was being a bit weird.

They noticed it quickly. How their Hyungjunie was getting a bit quiet and found it harder to be as adorable as he normally is towards the other members. But they were still busy, it was hard to find free time to take care of each other throughly.

But it was right after schedules that a mom hyung found the perfect opportunity. Wooseok had gotten emotional again at a schedule, just due to everything that was happening, but the members still being there for him definitely had made his eyes teary. And just like Hyungjun always did, right after they had set again at their dorms, he knocked on the door quietly, opening it slightly to peek inside.

Wooseok was just finishing getting changed when he heard the knock, and quickly pulled the shirt completely on. It did not slip Hyungjun's sight how tiny his hyung looked, and a pout instinctively formed. Wooseok smiled and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Getting in or not, Hyungjun-ah?"

Hyungjun giggled slightly and got in the room, closing the door after himself.

"Anything you specially needed? Or just wanted to see hyung?"

Wooseok asked with the softest tone, getting closer and pulling Hyungjun by the hand to sit on the bed.

"I just wanted to see tiny hyung"

"Even you are teasing me? Wah... I really lost the little respect I still had..."

Hyungjun giggled, lightly punching the other's arm and saying in a whiny tone.

"Wooseokie hyuuungg, you know we love you, you just look cute when you're teased"

"And now you're calling a hyung cute?"

Wooseok put his hand over his chest dramatically, feigning he was being hit multiple times before "passing out" on the bed. He may have had hit his head on the process but listening to Hyungjun's loud high pitched laugh was very very worth every single one of his pains. He felt Hyungjun laying down beside him, and suddenly he felt fingers poking his side.

Wooseok quickly moved away, opening his eyes and laughing. His secret had been discovered and he knew his life would be hell if Hangyul or Seungyeon found out he was ticklish.

"Ya, you don't tickle a hyung!"

Hyungjun cutely scrunched his nose before resuming his attack on the other's sides, resulting on high pitched laughs and whines. Wooseok did really like seeing such a happy and relaxed expression on the youngerster's face, but for Hyungjun it was no different. Seeing his hyung laughing so openly was something he really liked seeing.

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