Jealousy ♡ 2Woo/SeungWooseok

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Fluff and a bit more mature at the end  though there are both versions
Seungwoo X Wooseok


Seungwoo and Wooseok had been dating for a while. After Wooseok accidentally revealed his feelings through him sleep talking, Seungwoo was curious and confronted the younger about it. Turned out the feelings were mutual and soon both started dating. It had already been almost three weeks, and they didn't have a hard time hiding it from people, since it was common for members to do skinship. But things started feeling weird a bit after promotion period ended. They still had a few shows and variety to do and things started getting irritating for Seungwoo.

The moment Seungyeon held Wooseok's chin during U Got It already made his blood boil, but then it was just performing. But things continued from there. Seungwoo often saw Seungyeon staring at Wooseok, giving heart eyes his way. But then, Wooseok instead of ignoring had caressed Seungyeon's hair and even let himself be back hugged. But that was not enough.

Then there was Yohan. Yohan who had suddenly started being very touchy with the pretty hyung, holding his hand, hugging him... Wooseok had even made candles with his fingers to play around on Yohan's birthday, and also went along with Yohan's jokes all the time. And the way Yohan looked at Wooseok... that couldn't be only Seungwoo's imagination.

Yes, Seungwoo was jealous, beyond jealous. He wasn't embarrassed to admit it, he couldn't hide how his blood boiled everytime he saw Wooseok show his cute personality to the other members. He liked how caring and sweet Wooseok was, but there were things he wanted to be his and only his. And he just couldn't take that anymore.

It was a bit after they had come back from Thailand. They were tired, so as soon as the members arrived they immediately went to sleep, and Seungwoo also tried to. He knew there was no use in trying to talk now, Wooseok was too sleepy and wouldn't even understand half of the things the older had to say. So Seungwoo tried to sleep.

After tossing and turning for almost half an hour, Seungwoo gave up. He couldn't stop thinking about Wooseok. About the bright eyes, smooth skin, cherry plump lips, fluffy hair. About the smooth body, thin waist, his slightly toned torso. Every image Seungwoo had of Wooseok (and a few invented ones, fruit of his imagination) went through his head. He just wanted to hold his Seok, embrace him, kiss him, make him feel great. So he decided to at least do one of those things.

Seungwoo went out of his room as quietly as he could, so to not wake up the younger members. He went on the tips of his toes towards Wooseok's room, slowly opening the door, then closing it and locking it after getting in. The only thing he saw was a bundle of blankets on the bed. Seungwoo smiled at his lover's cute habit. Wooseok was very neat, but when he slept he ended up moving around quite a bit and mess all the blankets completely. He also slept always either on his back or curled up, and then it seemed to be the second option.

Seungwoo slowly approached and sat on the bed, pulling the blankets a bit to reveal half of Wooseok's face. Even with that small while, Wooseok's hair was already messy, pointing in every direction, a bit of a pout on his lips. Seungwoo smiled before leaning down to his ear and whispering, his dialect a bit heavy, since he mostly spoke using it when he was just in the dorms.

"It's me, Seok-ah"

Seungwoo saw a small smile appear on the youngster's sleepy face, so he took that as a yes and laid down beneath the blankets beside Wooseok. Wooseok was soon pulled into a warm embrace by the older, and snuggled into it.

"Wooseok-ah, you look too cute like this"

"Hmm... you're wearing too little"

Wooseok said sleepily, opening his eyes slightly to look at the older. Seungwoo was wearing such an open muscle tee, that his chest tatoos and even sides were very visible, making Wooseok slightly blush at the part of the muscular body being exposed. Seungwoo couldn't help but smirk at the pink tint covering the youngster's cheeks.

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