Come Back ♡ Mingyu

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You guys had talked before about missing Mingyu, so I bought some fluffy moments between X1 and Mingyu.
It's not that long, but some things happened and I didn't have that much time to write during the weekend, also because I worked on three oneshots at once.
But I hope you enjoy it!
This is not very thoroughly proof read, so there might be a bit more grammar mistakes and typos


The survival show is something that completely changed the lives of so many. Even without debuting, the doors opened for many, and for the X1 members too it was something they would never forget. Not only because of the debut, they craved for so much, but because of the people they met, the friendships formed, the things they learnt, everything had a  very special place in their heart and mind.

And the members did have many close friends they didn't have the chance to debut with. Jinhyuk, Byungchan, Sejin, Donghyun, Yunseong, Peak, and so many others. And of course, Mingyu. Mingyu still remembered very well Hyungjun's face when it was announced he wouldn't make it. He remembers how sad the younger was, he remembers the tears. And right then he just wanted to do anything and everything to make his pain go away.

But there was nothing they could do. So Mingyu just watched from afar. Watched as X1 debuted, as they hit it big, as the members seemed so so happy, specially Hyungjun. When he had seen the word "행복합니다" (I'm happy, Hyungjun said that during idol league when asked if he has any concerns) come out of his mouth Mingyu couldn't help but smile so brightly. That day he was just happy all day, nothing could bring him down.

Even though he was so so happy for the members, his own dream was being subsided. He continued training at his own company, but he craved for the stage. And received so many messages everyday from people who liked him, who missed him.

And his time had come.

"You're debuting"

They said. And the preparations came. The infinite training with 4 other boys to debut as one group. And he was just so excited.

On the day before debut he was invited as an special MC. As he already had an established fanbase and was a known face it would be the best opportunity to promote his group. But Mingyu was completely dumbfounded seeing whose stage he would have to present. The words "X1 Christmas Comeback Stage" written big on his script. He had not even realized it. So busy preparing for his own debut, he didn't realize X1 had a come back. And even more, he would be the one presenting it and presenting the win that night.

He got ready, hair, makeup, everything. And came the time to announce it. When the groups came on stage, they could only hear the voice of the MCs, since the structure of the stage made it hard to see the MCs itself. So he called out loudly for the comeback stage.

And Hyungjun was extremely confused as he was basically pushed to the stage since they had to start. He knew that voice. He was completely sure he knew that voice... but it couldn't be. He brushed it off as they had to start performing right then.

Right after performing they went immediately back to backstage. There was one more stage only before the win would be announced. So they just used that time to look more presentable after sweating a bit while dancing and fixed their hair and makeup. They already knew they were indicated for the win, so they would have to stand at the front of the stage.

And the time came. They went to go up the stairs to the stage before the win was announced. But seeing Mingyu standing there with the two other MCs revising the script was something they completely didn't expect. And it was a mess. The 11 members basically rushing to get closer and talk to Mingyu, a certain poodle haired member ending up behind. But the presentation was beginning soon, so they quickly adjusted their positions like nothing had just happened.

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