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"Are we there yet?" said the little girl in the back seat her lips blue from the Popsicle she was eating. "No Sweetheart your father is just getting some gas , we will be there in a few more minutes." her mother said taking the popsicle stick the girl handed her. the girl soon fell asleep in the back. the girl was woken by the sound of smashing metal and breaking glass. she looks up to see what the sound was only to see that half of their family van was missing along with her mother and father. 

she stepped out of the recked van and saw a huge truck with the other half of their van stuck on the front of the hood. the girl walked to where her mother and father were laying on the ground. she didn't understand why her parents wanted to sleep on the grass, or why there are strange red stains on their clothing. she shook her mother, but she didn't wake. she tried her father, but he too stayed asleep. 

she sat in front of her mother and father waiting for them to wake up from their nap. a few minutes later, a squad of men in strange costumes came and started putting her parents on rolling beds. she ran up to one of the men and pulled on his arm to get his attention. 

"what are you doing with my mommy and daddy?" she asked. the man kneeled down to the girls height and patted her back to sooth her. 

"we are trying to help your mommy and daddy." the man said his voice full of sympathy. 

the little girl gave the man a confused look. "but mommy and daddy are just sleeping." she said looking at the man with watery light blue eyes. "why don't you believe me? I will show you they are just sleeping. " she said walking toward her parents on the rolling beds the men put them on.  she started shaking them and they still refused to wake. she shook them harder. "mommy, Daddy please wake up...Wake up." 

the little girl turned to the man with the saddest look he had ever seen. "help them wake up please." the man looked at the girl with a sad face 

" I'm sorry, but I can't help your parents." the girl still did not understand what was going on. 

"why won't you help them? please help them. they need to wake up soon so we can go to the water park together, and have fun. the girl said tears now streaming down her face. why won't these people help her parents? 

the man took the girl's hand and led her to the curve of sat her down. "I'm sorry but your mommy and daddy are not going to wake up." the little girl looked at him confused "why are they not waking up?" tears started falling down the man's face and he wiped his eyes before speaking again. 

"I'm so sorry but your mommy and daddy was killed by that big truck that hit your van over there. you are lucky to be sitting here talking to me." he said as he watched as the realization showed on the girl's face. the girl walked up to her parents one last time desperately trying to shake her parents awake. 

"Mommy, daddy wake up, Please wake up...Wake up please. 

the little girl was pulled away to be examined by medics. the girl started screaming and kicking being the medics to take her back to her parents. just then a woman came up to them. she looked much older than her parents with short curly black hair. she smiled at the girl and took the girl's hand in hers to help calm the little girl. 

"who are you?" the girl asked sitting on the woman's lap licking her sucker that was giving to her by the medic. the woman smiled at the girl. "I am your aunt Kelly and I am going to take care of you from now on." she said taking the little girl's hand and leading her to where her car was parked. while walking to the car, the little girl saw two men in funny looking hats trying to put another man into a white and blue car with white and blue lights. the men had a hard time as the other man was trying to break free of their hold while shouting at them, but they eventually got the man in the car. 

hey this is my first story on here. I hope you guys like it and give it a review.

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