Chapter 4

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I woke up early and went to the living room where William and Leon were sitting. Eva, I am glad that you are awake. Did you sleep well?" Leon asked as I sat in a chair next to William. I smiled knowing that I had a good night's sleep.

"Yes, I slept very well." I answered as Leon poured hot tea in a wooden cup.

Leon nodded and refilled my cup with more tea. I was still trying to wrap mind around everything that I now knew about my Aunt and the two people I just meet last night. I keep thinking that this is all just a dream and I will soon wake up and tell all of my friends about it, but it was no dream. the sound of Leon's voice bringing me out of my thoughts.

 "Eva, are you ready for your training with William?" Leon asked looking at both William and me. I nodded and looked at William who smiled back at me.

"Then let us begin." William said as he got out of his seat and walked out of the room.

I followed him to an open field behind the mansion. There were huge tall oak trees that surrounded the field. William stood in the center of field motioning for me to join him. When I got closer to him I noticed that he had the box that held the Coeur De Chakra Amulet. He handed me the box and I put the Amulet on.

After the amulet was around my neck he motioned me to sit. I sat on the ground with my legs crossed. He joined me and sat across from me in the same manner. "Today I am going to teach you how to connect to your inner self and how to bring out the powers that you now possess." I nodded and waited for him to continue. "First you must find your inner self. I need you to close your eyes and listen to my voice." I closed my eyes as he instructed and waited on William to begin.

After a few minutes of silence, I heard Williams deep voice wash of me. "Now look deep into yourself and you will find what you need." I was now confused. How can I look for something that I don't even know? I finally gave up trying to figure it out and just did what he asked.

After a few minutes of searching I found what looked like a ball of colors. The ball was small but it stood out with its blue, green, purple, silver, and dark gray swirling together. It was beautiful. I just stood there in awe and I heard William's voice resonate in my mind. "Good, now bring it into you." I started to concentrate on the ball and it began to come closer to me. When the ball was close enough for me to touch I reached my out and took it into my hands. Once again I heard William's voice echo in my mind. "Eva, open your eyes." I opened my eyes and stared at him. He was smiling and he was glowing a light blue. "You look beautiful." He said in a low soft tone. Wanting to know what he was talking about I looked down at myself.

I was glowing a deep blue. He walked up to me and gave me a reassuring smile. "It's ok this is normal. Since you are the holder of the stones you will be able to control all of the powers of the lands of Chakra." He said as he stared into my eyes with his beautiful light blue ones. I wanted to know more about these powers that I seem to now process so as long as I have him here I might as well ask some questions.

"So who made this Coeur De Chakra?" I asked as he sat in front of me with his crossed. It was now dusky dark out and we were still glowing. It was silent for a minute then William started to speak.

" Lets start from the beginning." He said motioning me to sit beside him on the grass before continuing.

"The Coeur De Chakra Amulet was made by the elders of the five lands of Chakra. Each elder gave the most powerful stone in their land to the stone master. When the Stone Master had all of the lands stones he put them all in one necklace. The necklace was to be used for peace and to protect the lands of Chakra from anyone who may want to cause it harm. But one day one of the Rulers of the lands wanted the power of the necklace for his own evil purposes. The elders could not allow that kind of power in the wrong hands.

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