chapter 19

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We got off our horses about three miles out from the palace and walked the rest of the way. When we arrived, we easily found the entrance we found the night before. We quietly walked down the pathway that led under the palace to a simple wooden door. William opened and peaked out before letting us out in the dark damp hallway.

"This must be the lowest level of the palace." William said keeping an eye out for anyone who would come up on us. I looked around at the low ceiling and carved rock walls. It looked like a scene from a movie where the hero is placed in the dungeon.

A short time later we found a hall lined with cells full of people. Some reached out to us hoping that we would release them, while others were laying on the dirt floor unmoving. It didn't take us long to find the cell that contained Leon. He looked terrible, with dirty torn clothing. He was skinner than before and his face looked sulking in, making him look sick.

William sent a energy spear at the rusty lock, shattering it. we all hurried inside to Leon's side. If he looked terrible from afar, he looked even worse up close. His body was heavily bruised and dried blood covered him where he was beaten. Rage boiled inside me. How dare they beat on my friend, who did nothing to deserve this.

"Can you walk?" William asked him his voice holding a hint of anger as well.

"Yes I can but I'm afraid I will be a little slow." He said as William and Lora helped him to his feet. He let out a pain filled groan, but he managed to stand on his own. We made our way back to where we came from taking it slow for Leon to keep up. We turned the corner only to see a group of armored men waiting for us.

We tried to fight them off. I used my new mind powers on several of the men who advanced on me. when my mind became to tired to use I turned to my other powers lifting objects around me and throwing them at the men with every thing I had. I caught a glance of William taking out several men with his sword and energy spears. Bella, Lora, and Hazel teaming up with one slashing with her daggers while the other two protected her back.

The group soon became too much for us to handle and we were tied and taken to what looked like the throne room. Isha was sitting on a throne made of solid sapphire and silver.

"Well, well what have we here?" She said as she stared straight at me, a look of pure hate that sliced through me. She had on a long black dress that shimmered in the light. She had on a large amulet with five wild stones embedded in it. She was using Wild stones. They were banned in Chakra because of their uncontrollable power and unpredictable effects on the user, but Isha has somehow found a way to harness their power.

She pointed a finger at us, the finger ring she had on made it look like a talon.

"Bing them to me." she ordered. The guards reacted instantly and dragged us up to her. She gave me a sinister smile showing off her sharp teeth.

"Tell me dear. What made you think you could sneak into my home and I not know about it?" she asked her tone becoming more and more cold as she regarded Leon who was being held by two guards. She smiled and I felt my stomach drop. What was she thinking?

"I see. You were attempting to rescue your friend, how cute." She said taking a piece of my hair and twirling it in her fingers. If the guard wasn't holding me in place, I would have punched her.

"Now lets get started shall we? I'm going to ask you nicely and your going to give me what I want. Give me your amulet." She said her tone going even colder. If she thinks I'm gong to just hand over my powers, she's even crazier than I first thought.

"Never!" I spat. The look on her face giving me satisfaction and I gave her a smirk. Her face contorted in anger as She ordered the guards to drag us back to where the others were being held and she ordered the guards holding Leon to bring him forward.

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