chapter 3

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I woke from whatever drug the man gave me, feeling like I been through rodeo and I got stampeded a few times. I started hearing voices in the other room. I recognized the voice of the man who captured me and brought me here. "What are we going to do with the girl after we have what the master wants?" there was some one with him it was a woman and she answered him in a strange language I did not understand, and they continued their conversation.

My captures entered the cell and gave me evil smiles. The woman wore armor that looked like it was made of green gemlike scales. Her hair was long and she had it put up in a ponytail. This woman was the first to speak. Her voice was harsh almost a hiss as she spoke in English "Our master wants the Coeur de chakra, and you are going to give it to her."

I didn't know what this woman was talking about. What is this Coeur De Chakra, and why would they think I have it? then it hits me, this was the dream. The people was different but the cell was the same.

I decided that the smart thing to do is to stay calm and see who these people are.

 "What do you want from me?" I asked in a surprisingly steady voice. The woman smiled evilly and bent down so that we were eye to eye.

"The power that the Coeur De Chakra amulet is what our master desires." You will give it to us, or I will force you to give it up. There's that power thing again, are these people crazy? What is this amulet, and dose it really exist? If it did would I give these crazy people a powerful amulet?

The stinging pain from the slap the man gave me brought me out of my thoughts. "Give us the amulet now!" the man yelled as he put a dagger up to my stomach. The dagger looked as though it was made of grayish, blue stone that changed color in the dim light of the cell. The hilt curved and twisted over the handle and the blade was jagged, and it has a glowing green gem in the center.

"Tell us where the Coeur De Chakra is, or you will never see the light of day again" said the man as he pushed the blade tighter against my stomach. I gasped as the stinging pain started to pulse through my body. I was scared knowing that my life is about to end, but something inside told me to fight that this amulet couldn't fall into their hands. I looked up at the man and gave him the best-determined look I could.

"I don't know where this Coeur De Chakra is, and if I did I wouldn't give it to you even if the pope himself asked me to" I said gritting my teeth as the pain increases.

The man's face contorted in anger. "If you don't give us the Coeur De Chakra then we will kill you then take it." He said in a low dangerous voice. He pulled the knife back above his head aiming it at my chest. I closed my eyes prepared to meet my fate. I heard a loud noise and several curses as a familiar voice rang throughout the room.

"Don't... you... dare... hurt her!"

I turned to see a figure standing in front of the cell door, his whole body was glowing a whitish blue color. He wore light blue clothing that looks like it belonged in another time. When he stepped into the light, I was surprised to see that it was William from school.

Both of my captures turned with anger in their faces. "Well, well look who's coming to the rescue." The woman says with an evil smile on her face. William said nothing as he pulled out his sword and took a stance. His face was a mix of seriousness and anger.

"Let... her... go." William says in a low dangerous voice.

The woman laughed. "If you want the girl, you will have to go through us first Moonstoonian." She said with an evil twisted smile as the man steeped in front of me. William started to glow brighter and his sword glowed with him. I must be losing my mind. How can this be? These people are glowing, like Christmas trees. Are they even human? If not how am I going to escape these crazy people.

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