chapter 13

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I woke the next morning in my room. I sat up quickly looking around the room. I could have sworn I was with William last night in the garden. Wasn't I? Could all have been a dream?

"Good morning." William said as he walked into the room. He had a smile on his face and new look in his eye. He made his way to me holding some clothing in his hand.

"You need to get dressed. The king has asked to see us." He said leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"How did I get here? I the last think I remember was being in the garden."

"You fell asleep late last night so I carried you back to your room." he said as he laid the clothing by my feet and left the room for me to get dressed.

When I was dressed I put the Coeur De Chakra around my neck and walked out of the room where William was waiting. He was dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans, his eyes bright as he saw me.

" Did you sleep well?" he said a sly smile crossing his lips.

"Oh I don't think I had any trouble sleeping." I said giving him a short kiss before starting down the hall to the throne room. We arrived at the throne room to find the King and Queen sitting on the thrones waiting for us. We bowed before waling closer to the two rulers.

"your majesty, you asked to see us?" William asked, earning a nod from King Gallon.

"Yes. We have gotten word early this morning that the Kingdom of Amerthrista is in danger of an attack by Isha."

Did he say Amerthrista? That was where my aunt said she lived before coming to my world, to care for me. Now my aunt and her homeland is in danger. I can't let that happen.

"Your majesty, I must..."

"I know what you must do." the king said cutting me off before I could go any further. He looked at his wife, who nodded in agreement before continuing.

"Eva, you must go to the land of Amerthrista. But first, we must charge the emerald stone in your amulet before you leave." He said holding out his hand for me to give him the amulet.

"It will take some time for us to charge the stone, you are welcome to go and prepare for you journey. I will send for someone when the stone is ready." We bowed and left the throne room, hearing the two massive doors close behind us.

"We should go pack." William said as he leaned down to kiss my hair. I nodded in agreement, and walked quietly down the hall leading to our rooms. Before going into my room, William walked up behind me his breath tickling my neck.

" You might want to bring something to keep warm, Amerthrista is cool enough for you to get ill if you are not careful." He said giving me a short kiss before going in to his room. Why would I need a coat? It not cold in amerthrista is it? Well even if it is cold there, I don't have a coat to wear. Where would I get a coat? After looking for something that resembled a coat and coming up with nothing, I decided to pack my bag with other things that might come in handy. While I was preparing to put my armor back on for the trip, a knock sounded at the door.

"Just a minute!" I yelled as I quickly pulled the silk robe from the hanger and pulled it over me. I raced to the door and pulled it open revealing a man in what looked to be formal wear holding a fur coat and a pair of matching boots.

"Mr. William told me to give you this for your journey." He said handing me the coat, and tuning to walk back down the hall. The coat was made of soft but light fur, with a large hood. When I tried it on, it fit perfectly, as if it were made just for me. I found matching gloves in the pockets and a note.

Dear Eva

The king told me last night that we would be venturing into the land of Amerthrista. I thought that you and William might need these coats to stay warm in the cool weather.

Your Friend


Smiling, I placed the note and the gloves back in the pocket I found them in and went back to putting my armor on. After checking that I had everything I would need in my bag, pulled my boots on, and I walked over to William's room.

William meet me at the door and let in. the room looked like a bomb had gone off, with clothing laying everywhere, and William's armor scattered on the bed. Leon came out of his side of the room, carrying an armful of maps and small books.

"Oh hello Eva! I didn't expect you so soon, have you gotten everything you need packed?"

"Yea." I said looking around the room wondering weather or not I should help.

"Uh do you guys need help?" I asked. William walked up and picked up a part of his armor and began to assemble it onto his arm.

"It's okay Eva, it's always like this when we pack for any trip. You should have seen it when we went on vacation." He said a wide grin on his face as he continued to put his armor on.

"I'll help with the packing." I said in amusement.

After a few minutes of packing, planning, and cleaning we decided to take a break. There was a knock at the door, cutting our break short as I went to answer the door. A woman stood there a friendly smile on her face.

"Miss Eva, the King has sent me to inform you that the emerald stone has been charged and the Coeur De Chakra is ready for you." She said bowing before walking down the hall and turning the Corner vanishing from sight.

We walked to the throne room where the king and queen waited for us, the Coeur De Chakra placed on a decorative pillow.

"It is time for you to leave this kingdom." King Gallon said motioning for a servant to bring the pillow overt to me. I picked up the amulet and instantly felt the increase of power it had as I placed it around my neck.

"Thank you your majesty." I said bowing in gratitude.

"You need not thank me. It is our duty to serve the Holder of the stones." The King said as the queen stepped up placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Take care Eva. We are all counting on you." She said giving me a small smile. I nodded giving her a determined look.

"Thank you your majesty. I won't give up you have my word." The Queen smiled, making her face light up.

"No need to be so formal. You may just call me Ravenna." I smiled back feeling the friendship forming between us.

"Of course Ravenna." She nodded and sat back on her throne a smile still on her face. After say our goodbyes to the rulers, the King placed a chi on the ground and a portal instantly appeared showing bright snow on the other side. After deciding to put our coats on first, we stepped through the portal into a beautiful snowy winter. 

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