Chapter 8

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I woke to the sound of someone knocking on the door. "Miss. Eva, I have come to prepare you for tonight's ceremony." Said a muffled female voice behind the door. I jumped out of the bed and hurried to get my cloths on before I opened the door revealing a petite young woman. She had long black braided hair framing a smiling face. Her skin was smooth and had a tinge of light blue color. She wore a silver dress that looked similar to what would be worn in a samurai movie. Her voice soft and quite.

"Miss. Eva, my name is Agatha and I am to be your escort for the day. If you would fallow me to the dressing room, we will begin preparation for the ceremony." Agatha said and I followed her to a small room. In the center was a single chair, a table containing various hair styling tools both some I recognized and some I didn't. The woman led me to what I recognized from science to be a hot spring. " First you will bathe. I will be back in a few moments to check on you. If you need anything just let me know and I will be glad to help." She said walking into another room.

I cautiously stepped into the spring and found the warm water to be relaxing. After a few minutes, the woman came back and handed me a robe. I got out of the hot spring and the woman immediately lead me to the chair in the center of the room.

After the woman, dried my hair, she lead me back into the room I slept in where a group of women was waiting by the vanity. When I sat down at the vanity, the group of women got to work on my hair, make up, and making sure that I was comfortable. After what seemed like hours, the group finally stopped and I was able to stand.

I wondered what William was doing. It's strange how William has been invading my mind lately. Since the day we meet I've been feeling this strange pull to him. I've never felt this way about anybody I meet before, so why is this strange feeling starting now. I jumped out of my thoughts when hand was gently placed on my shoulder.

"Now you are ready for your dress." Agatha said as she turned to another woman and smiled kindly at her.

"Would you be a dear and go fetch the dress." She said handing the woman a key.

"Yes mam" the woman said as she quickly did as she was told. After a few seconds of waiting, the woman came back with a manikin wearing the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. The dress was made of light blue satin fabrics that shine in the light. It had a sweetheart neckline that connected to a jacket like top with long sleeves. The skirt was a ball gown with silver satin fabric layered on top of the blue. There were gemstones imbedded into both the top and the skirt of the dress that gave it extra shimmer.

"Now lets get you in your dress." Agatha said signaling to the other women to help. After struggling to get the dress over my head, I realized that this might take longer than I originally thought.

After finally getting the dress over my head, and the mile long string laced in the back I was able to look at myself in the mirror. I was shocked, for the first time I looked beautiful, the normal red headed girl gone. My skin was a tad darker, which brought out my now blue painted eyes. My lips were full and painted in sparkling lip-gloss. there were sparkling jewels on my cheeks and forehead. My hair was partly up with long curls cascading down the back of the gown I was in. I looked elegant, like a princess going to the royal ball. After a few seconds of admiring the work the women have done, a familiar voice made me turn around. Agatha stepped in front of the group, a proud smile on her lips as she spoke.

"We are almost done, just need one more thing to make your look complete." She said walking over to the jewelry box and pulled out a small velvet container. She opened the container and pulled out a moonstone hairpin. She placed the hairpin on my hair and stepped back to look at me.

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