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The next morning, I woke to the sound of my alarm. I slowly I made my way to the closet, pulling out a tank top and a pair of shorts before going to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before putting on some deodorant . I put on my clothes before heading to the field, feeling every muscle in my body burn.

When I arrived outside, I found William and Leon waiting on me at the training field. "Today William and I are going to teach you today" Leon said when I joined the two in the center of the field. He paused to nod a greeting at me before going on. " William has taught you all that he knows in how to fight and control your power. Now we are going to teach you about the world that you are destined to save." I was excited. I was finally going to learn more about the world that my parents grew up in and the same world that is in danger.

Leon motioned me to sit on the ground and when we were seated he began his lesion. "As you have learned from William, the world of Chakra is made up of five lands each with their own set of powers that are connected with the stones that are in your amulet. These lands also have their own laws and customs and the consciences of breaking these laws and customs can be very harsh and sometimes can cause you your life. It is important for you to conform to the laws and customs.

One law that is common to all lands is the law of stones. This law states that no one is to take a wild stone out of the world of chakra. Breaking this law can be harsh and even fatal in some lands."

What is a wild stone, and why would a ruler care if someone takes one out of Chakra? I wanted to know more about this world. The same world that my parents were born and raised, and the same world that they had to leave to keep the Coeur De Chakra amulet safe from a ruler who wants to use it take over the world my mother and grandmother fought to protect. After a few minutes of wondering and I decided to ask a question.

"What is a wild stone, and why can't they be aloud out of Chakra?" Leon gave me I knowing smile. He looked happy about my eagerness to learn this new world. He pulled out a huge crystal. It looked smoky in its color, and some of the fragments were sticking out in all directions. He let me get a good look at the stone before speaking.

"This is what your world calls a quarts. This stone did not come from Chakra and it has no real power, but it looks a lot like the wild stones that you would find in Chakra. We call them wild because there powers are unpredictable and dangerous to use. This is why the rulers of the lands agreed that there would be dire consequences if they let the wild stones into the Human world. So they made up a law to keep the dangerous stones in the world they belong in. the punishments for this law depends on the land that the stone was brought out of. Do you have any more questions about Chakra?"

Oh I had a lot more questions running through my mind. So I decided to ask one of the questions that have been on my mind since Leon told the story about my mother and grandmother. " Yes, who is this ruler that wants the Coeur De Chakra and what is she planning to do with it?"

"This all started with the great ruler Tarek of the old kingdom of Laberdori. Tarek's plan was to take over the kingdom of Saphira and gain the powers of the Coeur De Chakra, and with the amulet he could rule all of the lands of Chakra. There was a great battle for the kingdom of Saphira, but Tarek's army was overpowering the warriors of Saphira. All hope was resting on Counstance, the Holder of Stones to defeat the threat. After several hours of battle Counstance won and defeated Tarek, but Counstance was badly injured. She died later that night from her injuries. Now Tarek's daughter Isha wants to finish her father's plans and gain the power of the Coeur De Chakra."

I was glad to learn more about the history of my family and I hope to learn more with another question. "So what are some of the people like in chakra?" it was a few seconds of silence before my question was answered, this time by William.

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