Chapter 20

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A few weeks later, William was pretty much healed thou Leon's death is still in the air. Today, he was to be buried in the place where all grate warriors of Emeralda were buried.

We were all gathered around the freshly dug grave in the beautifully built garden with several glowing fountains and waterfalls. We watched as several men placed Leon in his emerald deathbed, allowing us to see him one last time. He looked peaceful, almost as if he was asleep. Like he would just wake up any moment and give us all a smile only Leon could give. After the King, William, and several other people spoke, they laid our friend into the ground where he would forever lay.

After the funeral, I immediately went into my room, all the emotions catching up to me as I let my hair down, sitting in the chair next to the window that looked out through the many gardens of Emeralda, witch only made me miss Leon more. If he were hear, he would be telling all about each garden and why it was created and witch ruler it was built under. If there was one thing that I knew about Leon, it would be that he loved this world. In the end, he gave his life protecting it.

I let my emotions go. I cried hard placing my head in my hands and sobbed as the grief, guilt, and hatred rushed through like gushing water through a broken dam. I continued to cry only stopping when I heard the doorknob twist and William stepped into the room.

I cried harder, the sight of his morning cloths intensifying the emotions that now rocked me. He rushed to me and wrapped his strong protective arms around me. I laid my head on his chest, letting all the heartache and pain out as I cried, while William gently spoke to me in a language I couldn't understand. Even though I didn't know what he said, his soft voice and mesmerizing words sent me into a calm hiccup. When I completely stopped, he placed a kiss on my forehead and stood our hands still entwined. We stayed in my room for most of the day when we were not being called in by the rulers. He stayed with me through out the night, and I fell asleep in his arms.

A couple months latter, William meet me out side the throne room after a meeting. He gave me small kiss and grabbed my hand.

"Eva come with me." He said as I followed him out of the building, holding his hand the entire way. It was night and we walked the garden pathway. The flowers were all glowing, giving off a soft light as the glowing streams gave us a sweet melody that played a lovely tune with the surrounding wild life. We came to a secret cove. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. The water was so blue as it glowed in the night. There were glowing stones instead of sand. They felt good on my feet as we walked beside the water, feeling it wash over my feet. The moon was high in the sky while the stars shined like studded diamonds on a black background.

I took in all the beauty that surrounded me, forgetting everything but this moment with the boy I fell in love with. He looked absolutely breath taking, the dim light from the surroundings casting him in a heavenly light. For the first time since I met him, he looked non-human.

We stopped and stared out at the water, watching it come in and out in a hypnotizing rhythm. I was suddenly aware that William had taken both of my hands in his. We had a moment of just staring into each other's eyes and I saw his love for me in his eyes. He stepped closer to me as he pulled out a decorated metal box that was embedded with moonstone and sapphire.

"Eva, I know we only known each other for a few months but I know what I feel. I talked this through with Leon back in Moonstonia and we agreed that this was the right thing to do." He said as he placed himself on one knee and held the box up to me. My heart was doing back flips knowing what was coming. This couldn't be happening.

"Eva, you are my everything, my world, my life. I would rather not live at all than live without you for a single moment. I need you to be in my life for all time. I'm going to ask you this one question." He said opening the box revealing the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. A big sapphire stone in the center was cut in a circle with an emerald and moonstone on either side. Diamonds lined the sides of the white gold ring.

"Eva, will you marry me?" He asked holding out the box that contained the ring. Letting the excitement and surprise take me over I jumped in his arms and kissed him hard. He kissed me back, pulling back to look at my expression.

"I take that as a yes?" he asked

"Yes!" I basically shouted as he placed the ring on my finger. It fit perfectly. He took me in his arms and spun me around. I laughed for the first time since the battle with Isha. I crashed into his chest and kissed him once more. We stayed out here, in each other's arms hearing the sound of the water surrounded by the soft glow of our surroundings.

"We should be getting back, it getting close to midnight." He said as we started to walk back hand in hand. When we entered the palace, I notice many people watching us, a knowing smile on their faces. When I arrive at my room, William stopped me before I could get through the door.

"I'll see you in the morning." He said giving me a heart-warming smile. I gave him a smile placing my hand on his chest as I gave him a savory kiss.

"I'll see you then." I said.

"Goodnight Eva."

"Goodnight William."

I entered my room and began getting ready for bed. I put on a blue night gown and decided to sit down and drank a cup of green tea before I go to bed. I held out my hand that now held the beautiful ring William placed on my finger. I was now engaged to the man of my dreams. It all seems so unreal. Actualy, going into another world finding out that your aunt, and parents came from said world, and battleing your supposed to be best friends and his bitch of a master is unreal. I guess falling for a guy from another world and getting engaged to him wasn't as bad.

After drinking my tea I slipped into my bed and soon fell asleep. I woke up and got ready, walking out the door just as William did. He had one of his T-shirts and a pair of jeans. We smiled at each other as I took his hand in mine and we started down the hall.

"The rulers have asked to see us." William said turning a corner to go to the throne room.

"Again?" I asked, wondering what they could possibly want now. We arrived at the throne room entrance, the guards opening the door when they saw us coming. When we entered, the rulers were all sitting at a large table.

"Hello Miss Eva, will you have a seat?" The Emeraldan King said.

"Of course. Thank you your majesty." I said as me and William sat down.

"We have called you here to discus the continuation of your training. We have talked to the Amerthistan Queen and we have decided to send you to the Kingdome of Laberdori to train under King Gaston." Said the King of Moonstonia as who I was assuming to be the King of Laberdori stand.

"We will be leaving in the morning. I expect you to be ready." King Gaston said his tone harsh.

"Do you agree to this Eva, after all you are the Holder of Stones." asked the Moonstonian King. I nodded. If I was going to defeat Isha, and I will defeat her I will need all the help I could get. But the thought of training with the King Gaston was making me cringe inside. The King didn't seem to be mean, but did put off that he was strict.

"Good Then your training will continue when you reach the Kingdome of Laberdori in the morning. Good luck Eva, I hope to see you again." said the Queen of Amerthrista as she gave me a smile.

"Thank you all. I will not let you down." I said bowing.

"I know you won't. You are free to leave, get some rest you will be getting up early in the morning." She said.

"Thank you." I said as we left the room. As we returned to my room only one thought ran through my mind, I will defeat Isha, and I will bring her to justice for what she'd done. That's a promise.

The next morning, William and me strapped up our horses and followed the king's carriage to the land of Laberdori. 

hey guys so this is the end of Chakra and the second book will be coming soon. please leave a comment so that I can better the story. 

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