chapter 17

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"What do you want?" I asked feeling the rage dripping off me in waves. How dare he betray me, then have the audacity to show himself again. He gave me an evil grin.

"Oh do I since anger in you Eva, and I thought we were friends." He said in a mocking voice.

"I wont ask you again." I said not giving him the power in the conversation; also it gave me time to focus on his mind. His face contorted in anger as I tried again and again to find a way into his mind.

" If you think you can enter my mind, think again. Although I heard it's very effective." He said as my surroundings changed and I was standing one the side of the road. This looks so familiar to me, the more I thought about it the more my surroundings makes since. Oh no, this is where my parents lost their lives, the night my life was changed.

I saw the familiar gray family van come down the road putting on a flashing signal to turn into the gas station before continuing on to vacation. Where the little girl inside would soon stir from the back seat and ask her mother if they arrived at the land of fairy tales and adventure, only to go back to sleep when she was assured that the family was stopping for gas.

I saw the big transfer truck with the driver who is running on little sleep and two six packs of Bud wiser come zooming down the road at an alarming rate of speed. I saw the traffic light change and the family van that contained the vacationing family start to turn onto the road. The transfer truck never hit its brakes.

I head the loud crunch of smashing metal when the two collided with each other. I saw the family van tear in half. One side being stuck onto the transfer, while the other flew across the road to land in the grass. I wanted to rush over to help, but I couldn't move, all I could do was stand and watch while the emergency crews pulled the two mangled adults and the scared little girl from the wreckage of the van. I watched as the police dragged the drunken belligerent man from his truck and forced him into the squad car.

No! I could have done something this time. I wasn't a helpless little girl anymore, I had powers that could have stopped the truck, saving the family from being torn apart. Now I couldn't even do that as I struggled to make my legs move. I couldn't do anything I felt utterly helpless.

Then I saw the two bloody adults laying on the gurneys before an EMT pulled a white sheet over them. I snapped.

"No!" I screamed over and over, tears streaming down my cheeks. This was not happening, not again. I was witnessing my parent's death again. I felt the world spin under my feet as a familiar voice called to me. I felt myself fall and the voice got louder and louder.

"Eva! Come back to us." William said as I snapped back into reality. I looked around and realized I was back in the throne room of Amerthrista with a crowd of guards surrounded me. I was in Williams's arms on the floor, my face still wet with tears. Aaron must have used a mind dream on me. That bastard!

"Eva, are you okay?" William asked concern written across his face. I couldn't respond until my breathing became somewhat normal.

"Yea, What happened?" I asked while William helped me to my feet. I know that I was put into a dream, but what happened while I was out, and who had gotten hurt?

"Aaron put you into a trance. While you were out, me, Leon, and the guards fought them off, but Leon was taken." He said as the weight of his words hit me. Leon taken by Isha's men. What kind of danger is he in, and how will we get him back? This is my fault; I should have known that Aaron would pull something like this. William must have seen my reaction because he squeezed my hand.

"We'll get him back, don't worry. He's tough; he can take anything Isha dishes out. In the meantime we need to plan a counter attack." He said

" I agree." Came the harsh voice of the Queen behind us. She looked pissed as she walked up to us as her guards following close behind. When she got closer to us she whispered something to the guard on her right and he signaled the others to leave with him, she then turned to her full attention to us.

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