chapter 18

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Hey guys! this is a mature chapter and will have a mature scene. viewer's discretion is advised.

For the last week, I endured intense training in both mind and physical. William did his best to keep me from going out to find Leon. The wait was killing me, not knowing what Isha is putting him through. We finally got the Queen to let us leave after we got word that Isha is  in Saphira and it is also where she is keeping Leon.

Now we were riding on stone horses with my three friends at our side. We rode for a few hours before stopping to let the horses drink from a near by stream and for us to eat before continuing on. We traveled for a few days until we decided to stop just out of territory of Saphira.

"Lets set camp here." William said, getting off his horse and undoing the side bags. I helped William with the tents, while the others built a fire. A couple hours later we were sitting by the fire roasting the fish Bella caught.

"So how are we going to get into Saphira with out Isha knowing?" Hazel asked after taking a bite out her fish.

" I say we take out every bastard we come across." Belle said pulling out a decretive dagger from its holder, using it as a fork.

"No that's too risky. We need to come up with a plan before just storming in." William said his voice firm.

"Well what do you suggest?" Belle asked annoyance clear in her tone.

"How about we scope out the grounds for a way in tonight?" I asked hoping to ease the tension between William and Belle. They both looked at me in surprise.

"That's not a bad idea." William said. Belle nodded in agreement along with the other two. After finishing our food we went out on foot to search the Saphirian palace for any kind of passageway we could go through unseen. Luckily we found a passage that looked like an entrance to the palace.

We walked back to camp and decided to get some rest. I had the tent with Belle, Lora and Hazel while William had the other. After hours of trying to sleep with no avail, I decided to walk around outside where the fire was still going. I spotted William standing beside a tree looking at the stars in thought. I walked up to him and he didn't seem startled when I put my arms around his waist and kissed his neck.

"Why are you up at such and hour?" he asked still staring out at the stars.

"I couldn't sleep." I said as he nodded

"Neither could I." He said turning his head so he could stare into my eyes. I saw the fear, and worry in his bright blue eyes.

"do you want to talk about it?" I asked knowing that something was bothering him. He sat down and I joined him crossing my legs.

"I'm worried." He said taking a deep breath before continuing.

"I'm worried about Leon, if we can get to him, and I'm worried about you. What would I do without you? The first time you were hurt I almost lost my mind. Eva I ..." I cut him off with a kiss.

He kissed me back and placed his strong arms around my waist, pulling us together. I traced my fingers in little patterns across his chest and earned a groan. He started to do his own exploring finding my breast. He teased my nipple with his thumb and index finger, sending waves of pleasure down my body. I moaned and arched into him giving him more access to my body as every gentle cares had me melting into him. We finally pulled away from each other putting our foreheads together.

"You'll never lose me." I said pulling closer to him. He snuggled his face in my neck, sending pleasurable sensations down to my body.

"I love you." He said. My heart sored at his words, my eyes beginning to wet with tears as I realized I too had fallen for him. I wanted no one else in this moment but him, and only him. I wanted to feel him touch me again. I wanted to feel his body against mine as he claimed every inch of my body and soul. I wanted all of him.

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