chapter 15

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This village like the others was full of stores and venders, but while the other villages were loud and chaotic, this village was calm and more quite than the other villages I've been to. We went into one shop that had all kinds of colorful dresses and sparkling jewelry. I found a bookshop full of old dusty books. I could spend hours in this store. I was look through some old tomes when I found a strange looking book. The title was written in lettering that I've never seen. It was bind in dark brown leather that was cracking with age.

I opened the book and was greeted with more of the strange lettering. The pages were worn and torn and there were drawings of stones, but was more surprising about this book was the drawing of the Coeur De Chakra on the next page with detail markings on where the stones should be set.

I walked up to the front of the store to find the storekeeper.

"Excuse me, how much do you want for this book?" I asked as he places another book on the shelf. When he turned and saw the book in my hand, his eyes grew wide.

"Oh that's a very particular book, you see it has no author and the language it's written in is a very old language. But I'm sure that it would be a good read. I'll let you have it for five herks." He said. I gave him the five herks and he placed it in a bag.

"Thank you for your purchase young lady." He said as I walked out the door. I found William and Leon at the shop across the street. They each had a bag.

"So what did you boys find?" I asked. William pointed to Leon who was busy looking at some herbs that an outside vender was selling.

"Leon found a herbal store, we've just gotten out." He said.

" I see that you found something too." He said gesturing to the bag with the book I bought.

"Yea I went to this book shop and I found this strange book." I said taking the book out of the bag and handing it to him. He looked at it with raised eyebrows.

"I've never seen a book like this before. Maybe Leon knows something if we can pull him away from the herbs long enough." He said. He poked Leon in the side causing him to turn and face us.

"Leon do you know what kind of book this is?" he asked showing him the book. He looked the cover over and opened the book to turn through the pages. A look of surprise crossed his face.

"This can't be, I thought this book lost years ago." He paused to turn a few more pages before continuing.

"What you got is the book of stones written by the five elders of the lands. In this book is all the information on the Coeur De Chakra." he said in amazement.

"so this book has everything about my amulet?"

"yes it is a very important book, but we will look at it further when we get back." he said handing me the book back. I placed it back in the bag and we continued to walk down the street.

We passed several stores before coming up on a black smith store. Swords and daggers covered the walls while the throwing knifes and smaller knifes were in cases throughout the store.

William was looking at the swords on the walls and I decided to go and look at the small knifes. There were many different sizes and color and some even had gems in them. I caught a glimpse at a set of five throwing knifes the sheath that held them was made of decorative stamped silver, a medium size blue gem set in the center with smaller white gems circling it. The handles of the knifes were wrapped in strong cords. I asked the storekeeper if I could see them up close and he took them out of the case for me.

I pulled the first knife out of the decorative sheath the blade was made of gray metal and was very sharp on the edges. The knifes were so light that it felt like I was holding a feather in my hand instead of a lethal weapon.

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