chapter 12

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"Long ago, one of the great elders settled on this land with his family. Years passed and soon his sons would move out to start their own lives, leaving him and his wife. They lived alone for many years, but one-day the elder's wife became very ill and the local healers had to be called. The news was not good; the healers told the elder that his wife would die of this illness.

The elder was crushed by the news and decided to contact their sons to tell them the news. The sons were saddened, could nothing save their mother. Then one of the sons came up with an idea to give their mother a gift for taking care of them during their childhood.

Two of The sons set out to the village shops searching for gifts for their mother, but the other son went hiking into the great mountains to find their mother's favorite flower. The son searched the mountain trails for the flowers, but he could not find them. Disappointed, the son prepared to return to his mother without a gift. On his way back he found a cave that had been carved into one of the huge mountains.

Curious, he entered the small cave and was surprised to find the cave walls covered in a green stone, but it was no stone he'd ever seen. He noticed how the stoned glowed a bright green lighting up the whole cave in dim green light.

Mother would love these stones. The son thought, so he began to fill his bag that he brought for the flowers with the glowing green stone. After the son's bag was filled, he set to the village metal smith to have the stones set in a necklace and matching tiara.

When he arrived he found that his brothers had also arrived with their gifts. The first brother gave their mother an elegant and beautiful gown. She was very happy with his gift and thanked him. The second son gave their mother the finest silk slippers that his money could buy. The mother was also very happy with the second son's gift and she thanked him. Then the third son gave their mother the necklace and tiara. The mother was delighted, for it was the most beautiful gem she ever seen. She loved all the gifts so much that she decided to wear all the gifts including the necklace and tiara. She wore them every day. As the days passed the elder noticed that his wife was remarkably recovering from the illness. Felling hopeful, he sent for the healers.

The healers were amazed and stunned, this woman was deathly ill a few days ago and now she is on her way to recovery. This was a mystery, how could a woman who is dyeing suddenly recover. It was a miracle what else could explain what has happened?

As time went on the elder noticed that his wife never got sick after that. He also noticed if she cut herself doing her work in the shop the wound would be healed a few moments later as if it never happened. One day he saw her nick her finger while she was making dinner and he noticed the gems in her necklace was glowing. Then the cut was not even there when she served the meal and they sat down to eat.

Then it all started to make since. The stones in the necklace and tiara that their son gave her must have some sort of healing powers. So the elder sent for the son who gave their mother the gift and asked him where he found the strange glowing stones. The son led his father to the place where the stones came. The elder immediately recognized the glow that the stones set off. He also felt strangely energized, like he was a young man again. What were these stones? Can they really have such properties?

The elder had to know, so he and the son gathered more of this strange stone and took it to the house. The elder soon found that the stone was indeed very powerful and it could do much more than heal. One night the elder dreamed that one of his son's wives would soon conceive and give birth to a daughter.

To the elder's surprise, the son gave the wonderful news a few days after, and a few months later he would be surprised to see that a daughter was born. Had the stone caused the future telling dream. Soon the whole village would find out about the strange power of the elder and his wife. Everyone wanted the strange stone and it didn't take long for every villager to have the stone on them at all times. The stone would be called emerald and the village would be named emeralda after the great stone. And that is how the land of emeralda came into existence."

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