Chapter 7

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I stepped out of the portal and into a huge open field like the one we just left, only this one had a blanket of beautiful light blue and silver crystal like flowers. I looked around and saw that everything looked as though they were made of gemstones.

The grass was a bright shade of emerald green that had me wondering if it was real. The trees stood tall and magnificent with their small silver flowers gleaming in the sunlight. I stood there in awe at the immense beauty of the land before me.

"This... can't be Real." I whispered as William stepped up beside me a proud smirk on his face as he looked out at the breathtaking land as he spoke.

"Beautiful isn't it?" he said glancing at me before continuing. "Now you see how different it is from the human world. Everything in the world of Chakra is made of the same gem stone that we draw our powers from." He said as a voice came from behind.

"And as you can see the results are quite striking." Leon Said as he made his way to us, a small smile forming on his face. Kia followed stepping up beside William. I looked back at the field and tried to hide the shock in my voice.

"What land are we in?" I asked as I looked on with wonder, wanting to see more. William looked at me amusement showing on his face.

" We are in the land of Moonstonia." He said as I walked up to a small flower and curiously touched one of its petals, and was amazed yet again. The petal felt as if it were made of smooth glass. I bent down and felt of the grass and was astonished to see that it too felt like it was made of glass. My exploring was interrupted by the voice of Kai from behind.

"We must be on our way, King Yakir will be expecting you shortly." Kia said giving a short nod before he started walking toward the trees, his form disappearing from sight. Not very talkative much is he? I thought as we followed him into the woods.

We walked for miles before we reached a small village beside a river. We stopped just outside a gate that contained strange writing across the top. " This is the blue dragon Village. It is not far now." Kia said, leading us through the gate and into the village.

As soon as we walked through, the village came to life before my eyes. Hundreds of people bustling about the dirt street, outside shops lined up on both sides. One of the merchants came up to me. She was an older woman with silver white hair framing her wrinkled face, her voice raspy when she spoke.

"A pretty hair ornament for a pretty girl." She held up a small silver hairpin decorated with small white stones that flashed blue in the light before continuing. "Only 10 herks." She said pushing the ornament into my hands. I gave the item back to her just as a hand grabbed my shoulder and dragged me away. Turning to see William, looking concerned.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded trying to calm my pounding heart as He released my shoulder. We continued walking as more of merchants tried to sell us their items, only to back away when they saw the looks they received from both William and Kia.

"Why are there so many merchants, and why are they so persistent?" I asked keeping a watchful eye on the next merchant that walked up to us with his items. William gave the merchant a glare before answering me.

"The merchants are the mine workers for the lands. Some of them are excellent craftsmen and others buy their items. They sell the items that they bought or made to make more herks for their families because their pay is so low." Okay now I know why merchants hounded us when we entered the village. New people means a chance at getting more herks for their families.

What is a herk and why do the merchants want them so badly?" I asked wondering what the merchants thought I had. This time Leon answered while William and Kia continued to give the merchants warning glares.

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