chapter 16

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I woke up to a knock at my door. I answered to a young man, he looked no older than 16. His short hair curled in every direction with bright purple eyes staring into mine.

"The Queen wants you in the training room within the hour." He said giving me a small bow before heading across the hall to William's room. I quickly took a bath and pulled on a tee and some shorts.

I meet William in the hall and we walked to the training room together. When we arrived the queen was waiting on us.

" So glad to see you again I hope you had a good nights rest." She said motioning us to come closer. I wonder what today was going to be like if it was anything like yesterday, it's going to be a long day.

"Today you will learn the ways of the mind." She said motioning to the two empty cushions in front of her. I sat down and waited for the queen to start.

After William sat beside me, the queen started the lesion. Pulling out a model of the brain. It looked so real, if I didn't know better I would have thought it was.

"Before you learn to manipulate the mind, you must learn how it works." She said pointing to the front of the brain.

"This is the frontal lobe, it controls your breathing, blinking, heart beat, any thing that helps your body maintain its normal functioning. If you wanted to permanently put your opponent down, this is the area to target." She pointed to other parts of the brain and told its function. I learned which parts of the mind to target if I wanted to temporarily or permanently blind or paralyzed my opponent.

After learning the parts of the mind, we started on how to use my powers to affect the mind.

"We will start with creating a mind dream in your opponent." She said motioning a woman to come and sit beside her.

"To put a dream on someone you start by concentrating on their mind. Don't be afraid to listen to their thoughts, sometimes you can learn the things that make them happy, or their worst fears. Let me demonstrate." She said as she focused her attention on the woman beside her. A few seconds later the woman's eyes widened then went glassy. She smiled and seemed to be happy with whatever the Queen was showing her. She didn't move or speak, it was like she was asleep with her eyes open.

The Queen snapped her fingers and the woman instantly snapped back to reality. She seemed lost for a few seconds, then looked at the queen.

"Thank you your highness." She said before quickly getting up and getting back to her work. The Queen then turned to William and me.

"The second thing is that once you have found your opponents mind, use their thoughts against them. Once the dream is set they cannot escape it until the command is given. The command can be anything from a simple snap to a full slap to the face, and some cannot even have a command, those are the most dangerous because the victim stays in the dream until it literally kills them.

Wow I can dream my enemy to death, now that's what I call a killer nightmare. But I'm afraid that it's going take more than a simple nightmare to defeat Isha. I have to be as powerful as I can be before I can take down Isha. I won't stop until I put Isha down for good.

For the rest of the day I learned how to make dreams, hallucinations, and other fun illusions of the mind. I wouldn't admit it to the Queen but I actually enjoyed todays training. I always found the mind interesting and even wanted to be a psychologist.

"That is all we are going to do for today. I want you and William to have some time off." She said giving us a knowing smile. I must have turned red because the Queen gave a small chuckle.

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