Chapter 6

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Before I knew what I was doing I gave him a big hug. "I am so glad you're ok." I said.

 I was so relieved to see him alive, it was like all the emotion from last night finally caught up to me and I just realized that we could have lost him. wait how did he heal so quickly? yesterday he almost died, but today, he is as healthy as he was before the battle with Isha. 

 "how did you heal so quickly?"  I said as we parted from the hug and sat at the table. He smiled and put two pancakes on a plate before he poured some syrup on them. "My body is capable of healing minor wounds so I can heal quickly you do not need to worry about me." I took the plate he handed me and began eating. 

"That is amazing."  He chuckled and took a bite of his his pancake. 

"The emerald stone on my ring gives me that power." he said as he showed me the silver ring with the large emerald in the center. 

A few minutes later, we were interrupted by a loud knock at the door. William left the room to answer and came back with a man in a strange uniform. The man was dark completed with huge arms that would make Arnold Schwarzenegger jealous. His uniform was light gray with light blue detailing's and it had a crest of a moon on the chest. His face was set in a serious mask with black hair pulled back into a tight bun.

After a few seconds of silence William stepped up to introduce the stranger that just walked into the dinning room. "This is Kai. He is a guard form the land of moonstonia, and was sent here with a message form the king." After the introduction, Kia walked forward and bowed his head, and rose to speck, his voice resonating off the walls of the room.

"I am sorry to interrupt your meal you have my apologies." When we nodded in acceptance he continued. "King Yakir has asked for your company immediately." The guard bowed his head again and left the room leaving us in awkward silence.

William was the first to speck with a serious face. "I will go into Chakra and see the King. Leon, you and Eva will stay here. I will be back in a couple of days." Only one thought crossed my mind as William turned to walk out of the room. I wanted to go with him, I couldn't sit here and do nothing while that crazed evil bitch is still out there.

Before he could leave I walked up to him and grabbed his arm, and he turned to me. "I want to go!" I said feeling the excitement rise in me like smoke. He seemed to be surprised by my sudden out burst but recovered before he answered me concern laced his voice.

"Eva I cannot allow you to go into danger without you being fully trained on your powers. It would be better if I go, I will not risk your safety." I felt my stomach drop when I saw the concern he had for me, but I would not give up on this. I wanted to go with him not just because I wanted to see Chakra, but I did not want him to go alone.

"William if I am to protect this world I need to see it. How can I defend a world if I am not in it?" before the argument could go any further Leon stepped in.

"I agree with Eva William, the only way that she is to learn about Chakra is to go there herself. I will also be accompanying you." After a few minutes William speaks his face showing defeat.

"Very well, I will let Kai know at once." He said before he left to get Kia. A few moments later, William Entered the room followed by Kai. The guard bowed his head, and spoke

"I was informed that you have agreed to comply with King Yakir's request. We will be leaving at sundown." He said as left the room once again leaving us alone in the room.

"We have five hours before sundown, we need to start preparing now if we are to be ready." William said as he walked up to me, his face a mixture of emotions.

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