Chapter 1

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It's been 12 years since my parents died and I began living with Aunt Kelly. I'll soon be starting my last year at Bear Creek High School in Alabama; witch would't be that bad if I didn't absolutely hated going to school. high school has been nothing but bullying cheerleaders who wants everybody else to do their homework assignments other than themselves. and there are the boring and super sensitive teachers who would rather lecture their students into a boring induced coma than have their students learn something. 

today was just another normal day at Bear Creek High School. everyone was either half asleep from a boring class or starting rumors about the next big person in the High School. I have a small group of friends who range from completely sane to absolutely nuts. I know we all have those friends who makes hanging out fun and exciting, then theres that one friend whose telling you about about how your idea is a bad one and their premonition is right most of the time. 

but I'm sure they have to endure my obsession with reading. thats right I love to read. I mean who down't like being thrown into a world that doesn't have the pain and troubles of the real world. I probably have over a thousand books. my favorites are the ones about two people falling in love and go on adventures together. even now I'm setting here nose first in a book at the school library before classes began. 


after music class, I was walking down the hall to my next class. of course I was reading while walking, something I do all the time when I ran into something. I looked up to see a brown haired girl wearing a bright pink short dress with black tights. she smiled at me and gave me a high-pitched giggle. 

"Hey Eva what are you reading?" I smiled when I realized who the voice belonged to. 

"hey lora! I'm reading one of my favorite series. you know the one about the prince and a beautiful girl who steels his heart." Lora giggles and drags me into our biology class. we talked until the teacher cam in and started his lecture on cells and other boring topics that he finds important for us to know, after an hour of torture the bell for lunch rang and we all left to go to our usual spots where we sit during lunch. 

as I was walking up to my seat, I spot a group of cheerleaders whaling up to me. the leader of the group, Emily speaks up first. 

"Hello Eva, I have a 2 page paper that is due next week and it is your turn to do it." I sighed and took the assignment our of her hands. 

"and if I refused to do your homework?" Emily gave me an evil grin and the other girls took a step closer to Emily. 

"You will do my homework, unless you think your too stupid to do it, or maybe I can just make your life a living hell the choice is yours."  That's it I've had enough of these little snobby bitches just because they're the popular cheer leaders they think they own everybody in the school. anger burned in every cell of my body. and when I spoke, my voice was low and icy 

"I'd rather bathe in pig mud than to do your homework or anything for you ever again. maybe if you weren't so busy fucking the football team, you may have time to do your own homework." Emily threw her head back in laughter, then the lead cheerleader got up in my face. 

"I'll make sure you regret this, I promise you that." at that she stormed off in a huff with her little gang traveling behind her. I arrive at the table to see Lora talking to Belle, the black- headed girl with brown eyes and a temper that makes the Hulk look nice. She is in love with the Japanese art and any kind of vintage swords. I sit beside Lora and noticed Belle's outfit. she was wearing a red and black dress that resembled a robe from Japan. 

After lunch I was going to my locker to get out the books I would need for my final class. I shut the locker and grabbed my book to read while I walked to class. I ran into something or someone for the second time today. I looked up and was shocked to see a handsome honey tanned skinned boy standing there. he had short  spiked black hair that fell in his eyes. His cloths looked expensive like they came from one of those stores in the mall that every one seems to love, but I could never afford. the most breathtaking feature was his beautiful bright blue eyes. it was like I was looking into sapphires that shined in the florescent lights. He looked at me for a minute, apologized and started to pick up the books that were all of the floor. 

I reached out to help him and we touched hands by mistake. when we touched his hand started to glow a light blue. I gasped and pulled back my hand. the boy nodded at me then quickly walked off into the hall. I stood there in pure shock. what just happened? did I really just see that boy's hand glow? I stood there for few more minutes still trying to make sense of what just happened when the bell rang for the next class to start. 

I walked to my class still trying to wrap my head around what happened with the boy in the hallway. Was I going insane? I know what I saw, but it's not possible no human that I know has glowing hands. Was the boy even human? that kind of things only happen in comic books right? but this was real or so I think it was. maybe I was going insane, or maybe I'm just tired from staying up all night doing homework.  that's it, I'm just tired and need some sleep. once I get a good nights rest I'll forget about it then. 


After the last bell rang, I walked out to my blue convertible mustang that my Aunt bought for me when I turned 16. I put my books in the trunk and drove off. I arrived home to find Aunt Kelly cooking my favorite pasta. a good way to end a long and strange day. I put my books on the table and started helping Aunt Kelly. After we got the pasta cooked, we sat at the table to eat diner afterwards I watched some TV. and went to bed. 

I laid in my bed for what seemed like an hour thinking today. the strange boy with the glowing hands kept invading my thoughts. who is this boy, and how was it possible that his hands glowed. I soon fell asleep but it was anything but peaceful. 

I woke up in chains that were connected to the walls in a tiny cell. I could hear people talking in the room next to me. their voices were muffled, but I could still make out what they were saying. 

"what shale we do with her my lady?" a male voice said 

"as soon as I have what is mine you can do whatever you want to her." a female voice said. I didn't recognized any of the voices. I didn't know what they were talking about. What did I have that this lady wants? I raked my brain trying to figure out what I should do to get out of his mess I was in. maybe this was some kind of robbery, but all I have was my car and some money in my wallet. I need to figure out something fast before these crazy people kill me. 

a loud noice brought me out of my thoughts as a huge man came into the room behind him was stunningly beautiful woman. both had on armor that looked like they were made of gemstones. the man had black hair that ran down to his shoulders. his bright green eyes stared into mine with no emotion. the woman had bright silver back length hair. her eyes were the same bright colored blue that the strange boy had. she walked up to me and gave me an evil grin that sent a chill down my spine.  

"You have something I want, now give me the Coeur De Chakra." I stared at her completely dumbfounded. what is this lady talking about? why does she think I have this whatever she called it. she smiled as if she seen the confusion in my scattered brain. 

"My dear you have a rare power from my world inside of you and I want it. now you can either give it to me, or I'll take it by force." she said pulling out a dragon shaped danger. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said. she smiled at me but her eyes held anger.

"oh well have fun in hell." she said plunging the dagger in my chest. I jumped out of the nightmare just in time to get ready for school. 


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