Chapter 10

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An excited Agatha shook me awake and practically pulled me out of the bed. "Get up miss Eva! You're going to be late!" she said pulling me to the dressing room where the armor that the king gave William and me was waiting, along with two other women.

They spent two whole hours putting me in the armor, fixing my hair in a long tight braid, and putting on make up that is supposed to protect me from the sun. After the group of women was finished, I looked in the mirror and found the normal looking teenager was gone; a beautiful warrior woman took her place.

I walked to the throne room, my armored boots clanking on the stone floor. William was waiting for me outside the huge double doors leading to the throne room.

"How was your night?" he asked a hint of amusement in his voice.

"It was amazing." I said stepping on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek, and giggling as his face turned red.

"Ah ha I see, but do you know what you just gotten yourself into?" He said pulling me closer to him and quickly kissed me, but it lasted long enough to make my face burn, and my race. I was just about to kiss him back when the doors opened and the guards motioned us in.

Leon was waiting on us smiling as we made our way to the front of the room.

"Hello Eva, how was your stay at the Moonstonian kingdom?" Leon asked when I gave him a hug.

"yes I enjoyed Moonstonia, I can't wait to see the rest of Chakra!" I said my excitement making him laugh.

"I am glad that you enjoyed my kingdom Eva." King Yakir said entering the room and sitting on the throne, and we bowed.

"thank you your majesty for allowing me to stay in your palace." I said earning a nod from the king.

"You are very welcome Eva. Now it is time that I send you to your destiny. I have arranged a royal carriage to escort you all to the land of emeralda. There you will meet King Gallan and his wife Queen Ravenna who will empower the Coeur De Chakra with the emerald power. From there you will travel to the other kingdoms to have the powers of the Coeur De Chakra restored, but you must hurry before Isha's plan is complete. If she succeeds in creating a new power amulet, she will be unstoppable, and unpredictable." He said placing his hands on my shoulders a warm smile on his face.

"I wish you well." He said as I bowed to him one last time before the carriage arrived. The carriage was beautiful. The outside was made of solid moonstone making it shine in the dim light. Its wheels are made gold with matching horse harness that connected to two beautiful stallions, but they were not normal horses. These stallions looked as if they were carved out of moonstone, and they were huge, bigger than any horse I've ever seen. I walked up to one and rubbed it's nose, causing it to lower it's giant head for me to rub, and I caught a glimpse of two bright blue stone like eyes staring back at me with wisdom that would come from living a long time.

"We call them stone stallions, it's kind of obvious how they got their names." William said coming up beside me to rub the other horse.

"do they all look like these?" I asked scratching the horse's ear, earning a soft purr from the stone horse. William smiled and patted the horse on the side earning a warning glare from both stone horses.

"It depends on what land their in these are moonstonian stone horses. They get their color from the moonstone in their environment." He said leading me to the side of the carriage where he opened the door to reveal the beautiful light blue carpet, and pearl white seats inside. He helped me get in and I sat across from Leon with William sliding in beside me. There was the sounds of gold chains and the nay of the horses, then we lurched forward on our way to the kingdom of emeralda.

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