chapter 11

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I woke to a strange room, feeling like I've just lost a battle with a sumo wrestler. I was in a soft bed, a white bandages covering my chest. I looked around and saw I was in some kind of healing room with strange herbs and salves in decorative jars sitting on a shelf across the room. There was a set of stones beside the bed glowing softly in the light coming from the small candle beside them. I noticed an empty chair-siting close by.

I tried getting up, searing pain sending me back down just in time for the door to open and William steeping into the room. He looked so tired like he hasn't slept in days. When he saw me I could see dark circles under his eyes. He had a half worried half relived expression of his face.

"Eva?" He said concern flowing off him in waves as he dropped the bag he had in the floor as he rushed over to me.

"Are you ok?" he asked checking me over before sitting back down.

"I'm ok. What happened? I asked the memory of Aaron's betrayal flooding into my mind. How could he betray me like that? I thought we were friends, people who stick together. The more I thought about it the angrier I got.

I tried to sit up again this time William help placing a couple of pillows to hold me up. I hissed in pain as the motion irritated the wound on my chest, causing William to give me a concerned look. I nodded telling him that I was fine and he relaxed a little.

"You were struck in the chest with an energy sphere." He said giving me some water before continuing. " We got you here as fast as we can. They worked on you for hours before they had you stable enough to clean your wound." He said taking the cup from me and placing it on the table beside him.

"Where is Aaron? What happened after I passed out?" I asked hopping that the elder was safe and sound. William gave me a solemn look and all the hope of the elder being safe vanished.

"After you were hit, me Leon, and the guards tried to stop them from taking the elder. We were out numbered and they forced their way through with the elder." He said and I felt the guilt twist my stomach into knots. I should have known better, I should have seen Aaron's attack coming. I should have tried to stop Aaron, but instead I just stood there staring at them like their heads flew around the room.

William put his hand on my shoulder his voice a soft whisper "It was not your fault. There was no way that you could have known about Aaron." He said reaching for the cup of water and giving it to me. I took it and sipped on it before handing it back to him. I watched him for a minute wondering how long he stayed here. He looked terrible. He was wearing the same outfit he had the day of the attack.

"How long have I been here?" I asked, my stomach rumbling as the feeling of hunger surfaced with a vengeance. William smiled his eyes lighting up in amusement. "After the fight, we brought you here. I bet every healer in emeralda was working on you. They said you suffered serious damage; even with your healing powers you would need rest for a few days. After they left I stayed with you only leaving for supplies. You were out for three days before you woke.

THREE DAYS! No wonder I'm hungry. I have to get something to eat, then I'm getting out of here. William seem to since my thoughts as he left the room, coming back a few minutes later with a cart full of steaming food and I instantly dug in. the food was so good that I barley noticed that William was staring at me. He wasn't eating or talking, just staring at me with those bright blue eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked feeling the pain returning and I tried not to wince. William let out a long sigh, as if he was just now able to release his breath he was holding.

" Eva, when Aaron hit you with that blast and you fell to the ground, I didn't know what to do." he paused to give me some more water before continuing. "They worked on you for most of the night, they wouldn't even let me in the room. when I asked the main healer how you were, she told me that you were hit pretty hard and that they would try their best. I was devastated." He paused again to cup my face in his hands. I felt the heat of his hand warm my face, his breath tickling my ear as he spoke in a whisper, the feeling of him this close made my insides twist in a knot.

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