Chapter 2

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I spent the entire day at school thinking about the strange nightmare I had the night before. Who were those people? How did I end up in a small cell chained to a wall, and what was that power that the woman wanted? I have to get answers, but how? Who can I ask without them thinking that I'm some crazy person that escaped from an insane asylum?

I was jolted out of my thoughts by the bell ringing . As I was walking to my car, Lora stopped me. "Hey Eva, Hazel, Belle, and me are going to the new place in town to hang out tonight want to come?" she asked. I nodded and jumped into my car.

"I'll have to ask my aunt, but I'm pretty sure that she'll let me go." Lora giggled excitedly

"Oh this is going to be so much fun, see you tonight!"

I arrived home to find Aunt Kelley waiting on me on the porch. She looked happy to see me, smiling as I walked in. "Hey, did you have a good day at school?" she asked. I gave her a smile

"Yea it was great, can I go out tonight with Lora and my other friends tonight?" She nodded and put her hand on my shoulder.

"It's good that you're finally going out with friends, just be home by 8:00." She said as I jumped with excitement and ran upstairs to get ready.

A few hours later, Lora picked me up to go the new place that was located in a shopping center. We sat outside on a concrete bench talking and laughing for hours before a boy walked up to us. I was stunned to see that it was the same boy that I ran into the day before. When he spoke, his deep voice and heavy accent had me melting into a puddle. "Hello ladies, may I sit with you?" the boy asked.

Lora was the first to speak up "sure" she said as Belle and Hazel made room for him to sit beside me. We sat there awkwardly in silence for a few minutes before Belle asked the strange boy the question that everyone wanted to know.

"So... what's your name?" she asked as the rest of us just stared at him like idiots. The boy answered with a smile.

"My name is William Yone." He said in a deep beautiful accent. Belle gave him a smile and asked another question.

"Where are you from?" William shifted in his seat.

"I just moved from France a few months ago." I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7:40 and decided that it was time to go.

"I better go home now guys my Aunt Kelley is wanting me home at eight tonight." I say as I grab my purse and Lora digs for her keys. As we started walking to Lora's car, William came up beside me and gave a smile that had me mesmerized.

"Will I see you at school tomorrow?" He asked I smiled back at him.

"Sure I'll be there." I say as I got into the car and Lora drives off.

As soon as I got into the car, Lora started bombarding me with questions concerning William. "Who is that handsome hunk? How do you know him? Dose he have a brother?" I chuckled and answered all three questions.

"He told you his name. I only met him once before in the hall, I kind of ran into him. And I don't know if he has a brother." Lora giggled and turned the radio on full blast. For the rest of the ride, when we arrived at my house I saw that Aunt Kelly left the light on for me. I said goodbye to Lora and headed into the house.

Aunt Kelly was waiting for me in the living room sitting on the couch watching her favorite sitcom. She looked up at me and gave a heart-warming smile. " So, how was your night out with the girls?" I garbed a Dr. Pepper and sat in my favorite chair and prepared to tell my Aunt Kelly all about the night out with my friends. After a while of talking about our days and watching sitcoms for an hour, I decided to go to my room, put on my blue pajamas on and jump into bed.

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