🌼 Accident 🌼

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Type: Fluff

Where Hongjoong accidentally cuts his finger while cutting some fruit and Mingi notices and wants to treat his wound. While Mingi was treating Hongjoong's finger, Hongjoong accidentally slips into little space.



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Hongjoong was currently cutting some fruit for himself in the kitchen, finally taking a break from writing and making music. While cutting fruit he was planning when should be the best time to finally slip into little space after so long. He was so focused on making music that he didn't slip into little space in a few weeks. He needed to plan it so the other members wouldn't notice too.

Hongjoong suddenly cut himself, hissing slightly. “Are you okay?” Hongjoong suddenly heard someone say. He immediately knew that it was Mingi. “i'm okay, Mingi..” he thought, wiping the blood away. Mingi gently grabbed the older male's wrist turned on cold water, soon putting Hongjoong's finger under the water. Hongjoong looked up at the younger, sighing slightly. “you don't need to help me..” he said quietly. Mingi shrugged slightly, soon turning off the water. “I'm doing it because I want to.” he said softly with a smile, soon leading the older male to his room. Hongjoong tilted his head slightly and followed him.

They entered the room and Mingi gently sat Hongjoong down on the bed. He then walked over to his drawers and began looking through them, soon pulling out a small box with bandages. He opened the box and pulled out a cute bandage with cute bears on it. Hongjoong's eyes widened slightly, trying not to slip into little space as Mingi put that adorable bandage on his finger. He didn't want to slip, definitely not right now in front of the younger male.

Mingi smiled and looked up at the older male. “there you go, Joongie.” he said, chuckling slightly. Hongjoong couldn't hold it any longer and he slipped into his little space. “t-thank chu, Gigi..” he said quietly, a few tears leaving his eyes. Mingi got confused when he saw the younger male's tears and heard his way of speaking. He lifted his hand up and wiped his tears away gently. “What's wrong now?” he asked worriedly. Hongjoong continued crying silently. “Chu defwinetly h-hate Jwoongie now.. h-he a wittle..” he said quietly, wiping his tears away.

Mingi began panicking slightly, not knowing what to do. He just hugged the older male tightly and gently played with his hair. “I don't hate you, Joongie.." he said softly, pulling out his phone to quickly search what ‘a little’ meant. Hongjoong watched the younger male's phone screen, soon calming down as he continued watching.

Mingi soon slightly understood what it meant. He turned off his phone and looked at Hongjoong. “it's okay, baby boy..” he said softly. Hongjoong's eyes sparkled when he heard the name, a smile forming on his lips. He quickly stood up and went to his room to grab a pacifier. He then walked into Mingi's room again, putting the pacifier into his mouth. Mingi cooed softly and pulled the older male into his lap. Hongjoong stared at Mingi, his eyes sparkling happily, sucking on the pacifier slightly. It made him really happy, knowing that Mingi didn't really mind it when he was in little space.


I hope that you enjoyed this one shot at least a little?
I'm sorry that this was short, but I will try to make my other one shots longer.
I would be really glad if you could request something-
Bye for now~

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