🌼 Violin 🌼

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Type: Fluff

Where Hongjoong is a violinist and Mingi really admires him.

(Here's a happier one, since the last one was just too sad..)



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Hongjoong let his tears fall as he looked at the broken violin in his arms. He was just practicing and some boys came in and.. they just broke his violin. He got the violin from his father, that's why he was so sad and mad when the boys broke it. He put the violin down on the table and wiped his tears away, thinking of what he should say to his mother. He didn't really want her to know that it broke, but he knew that she will find out anyway. He sighed slightly and sat down, hugging his knees.

Hongjoong and his mother were nowhere near rich after his father died, the violin was the only thing that his father left behind, because he knew how much Hongjoong always wanted to play the violin. Now, he didn't have any money to fix or buy a new violin, it was too expensive for him right now.

Mingi was currently walking through the hallway, making his way to where Hongjoong would practice everyday. He was confused when he didn't hear the violin. He walked over to the door and looked inside, seeing the broken violin on the table and Hongjoong on the floor. He frowned when he saw the older male like that, he didn't want him to be sad. He then saw Hongjoong standing up and walking over to the door. Mingi quickly ran to the restroom and hid inside, waiting for Hongjoong to leave. He watched him leave, confused why he wasn't carrying the violin with him.

Mingi soon got out of the restroom after he was sure that Hongjoong really left. He walked into the classroom and looked at the violin, sighing slightly. He took a hold of the violin and looked at it for a few seconds before walking out of the classroom and carrying the violin with him. He didn't know much about instruments and everything, but he wanted to fix the violin for the older male, just to see him happy. Of course he wasn't going to be the one actually fixing it, since he knows shit about violins.

Mingi made his way out of the school and began making his way home, searching for someone who could fix the violin or something. He found a shop where he could ask if it's worth fixing it. He quickly made his way to the shop and entered. He was so nervous, like always, but he really wanted Hongjoong to be happy, he would do anything for the older male that he loved so much.

He walked over to the counter and put the violin down gently, asking if it would be fixed. “it can be fixed, but it's not really worth it.. it's better to buy a new violin. Both the fixing and a new violin would cost almost the same.” the person behind the counter asked. Mingi nodded slightly and sighed. “Alright, thank you..” Mingi said before he took a hold of the violin and began walking away. “hey, wait! I want to say that if you want to, you can look around and maybe you will find the same model as that or something? I think that there is a model that looks really similar to yours.” the guy said. Mingi nodded and smiled slightly. “Alright, I will look around..” he said softly.

After a few minutes of looking around, he found the model that the guy was talking about. The violins were the same size and they almost looked the same. “would you like to get this one?” the guy who was behind the counter asked. Mingi nodded slightly, soon sighing. “I don't have any money right now with me or anything though..” he said. “Hey, that's okay, we're closing in like 3 hours, if you live around here, you can go get your money and come back.” the guy said. Mingi nodded and quickly gave the broken violin to the guy. “I'll be right back then.” he said, running out of the store.

He quickly ran home, arriving in like five minutes. Mingi and his family were different from Hongjoong's. They were just slightly rich, but not too much. Mingi quickly got inside the house and walked into his room, grabbing his wallet and sprinting out of the house again, of course, not forgetting to lock it again.

Mingi then ran into the shop again, arriving in five minutes. The guy behind the counter stared at him, really confused. “you didn't need to run that fast.” he said, letting out a chuckle. Mingi smiled and walked over to the counter soon seeing some new things there. “So here, I have your new violin and a new case.” the guy then said, showing Mingi the violin in the case. “It's beautiful.” Mingi said with a smile, still panting slightly. The guy nodded and smiled. “so it will be.. €£$” the guy then said.

Mingi nodded and pulled out his money, giving it to the guy. It was expensive, but he didn't care, he would do anything for Hongjoong.

Time skip uwu

The next day, Hongjoong decided to go to the classroom again to practice his singing or just to be alone. He entered the classroom, startled slightly when he saw Mingi. He tilted his head slightly and slowly walked towards him, flinching when Mingi turned around and looked at him. Mingi took a deep breath and took a hold of the case with the violin next to him, soon gently handing it to Hongjoong. Hongjoong tilted his head and looked up at Mingi with a confused expression. “It's.. for you.” Mingi said softly with a gentle smile on his face.

Hongjoong's eyes widened when he heard what Mingi said, his eyes sparkling and a happy smile forming on his lips. “r-really?” he asked quietly. Mingi stared at the older male with adoration, he never heard the older male speak before. He nodded, his smile slightly widening. Hongjoong gently put the violin down and then immediately hugged Mingi tightly. “you didn't need to do that for me..” Hongjoong said quietly, looking at the younger male. Mingi smiled and leaned closer. “well, I wanted to do it.. because I love you.” he whispered before he pressed his lips on Hongjoong's.

Hongjoong's eyes widened slightly, but he soon kissed back. He didn't really know how to kiss, so he just copied what Mingi was doing.

Mingi felt extremely happy when Hongjoong tried to kiss back. ‘Am I his first kiss?’ he thought, soon slowly pulling away from the kiss. “Now, how about you play something for me, Joongie?” Mingi asked with a gentle smile. Hongjoong smiled happily and nodded excitedly.


Wow, finally something happier-
I hope that you liked this one after the last one? I don't know why I made the last one so sad idk-
Bye for now~

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