🌼 Clothes 🌼

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Where Mingi is wondering why his things disappeared..

Omega - Hongjoong
Alpha - Mingi



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Mingi walked into his room, walking over to his drawers. It was morning and he just took a shower, so of courses he was gonna go get dressed into some clothes. He opened his drawer, raising his eyebrow slightly when he saw that most of his hoodies were gone. He sighed slightly and grabbed a random hoodie, putting it down on the bed and then opening a next drawer. Most of his shirts were gone too. He decided that he will ask Yunho about it after he will be dressed up. He quickly grabbed a sleeveless black shirt and put it on. He then grabbed some comfortable pants and put them on too. The last thing that he put on was his hoodie. He then walked out of his room and made his way into Yunho's.

He opened the door without knocking and sighed. “are you stealing my clothes again?” he asked. Yunho flinched slightly at the sudden voice and turned around, making a disgusted face and shaking his head. “ew, why would I steal your clothes? They're not even pretty like they were 2 years ago.” Yunho answered. “Okay, sorry then.” Mingi said, walking out of the room and soon making his way to the kitchen. “Can you close the door next time!?” he heard Yunho shout from his room. Mingi ignored him and went to get something quick to eat. He then began wondering who would steal most of his clothes. He couldn't really think of anyone that would be stealing his clothes. He shrugged slightly and began eating his food, deciding to ask Hongjoong after he was done eating.

Hongjoong was laying in his bed with Mingi's clothes around him. He was having a bad day and he was near his heat too, so he just made a nest from Mingi's clothes to feel more comfortable. He was slowly falling asleep, but he opened his eyes immediately when he heard a knock. “Come in.” he said, assuming that it was San who was knocking, because San would always come to make Hongjoong feel at least a little better when he was having his bad days. They were the only omegas in the team, so when one of them would have their bad days or be in heat, the other would comfort them most of the time.

Mingi opened the door to Hongjoong's room and walked inside, closing the door behind him. “so, someone has been steal-” he started, but soon stopped talking after he turned around and saw Hongjoong. Hongjoong's eyes widened and he saw that it was Mingi and not San. He never wanted the younger male to see him like that. “I-It's not what..” Hongjoong started, but soon he stopped, knowing that there wasn't any excuse. “you're an omega?” Mingi asked softly, walking towards Hongjoong's bed and sitting down next to him. Hongjoong nodded slightly, feeling ashamed. Mingi sighed slightly, not really knowing what to say. “It's okay..” Mingi said, pulling the omega into his arms. “is your heat coming?” Mingi soon asked softly. Hongjoong nodded and hummed softly, blushing. “I'll help you..” Mingi soon said with a soft smile. Hongjoong pulled away and shook his head. “I.. I don't want you to help me if you don't have any feelings for me..” Hongjoong said quietly. “I.. I'm still a virgin.” He added.

“Hongjoong, how could you think that I don't have any feelings for you..” Mingi said, gently pecking the older male's lips. Hongjoong froze slightly, a gentle smile soon forming on his lips. “Mingi.. I'm allowing you to mark me.” Hongjoong said softly.


Finally updated again~
If there is someone that is reading my Wowkwan book, I'm sorry for not updating, I don't have any ideas right now and I don't know what to write '^^
Bye for now~

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