🌼|🍑 Drunk 🌼

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Type: Fluff, (and some dirty scenes, idk)

Where Hongjoong meets his friend Mingi, that he hasn't seen in 5 years, drunk, so he decided to take care of him until the morning..



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Hongjoong closed his eyes, inhaling the fresh air as he walked around. He was currently at a park, taking a walk because he was feeling lonely and he was really bored too. It was late, so all of his friends were asleep. Everyone else would be scared to walk around a park alone, but not Hongjoong.

Hongjoong saw a low of homeless people as he walked. It made him a little sad at first, but soon realized that most of them don't have a home because they do drugs. He sighed a little soon seeing someone drunk sitting on a bench. It wasn't just someone, it was Mingi, someone that he hasn't met in 5 years. He walked over to him and tilted his head a little, wondering why he was drunk. “Mingi, Are you okay? Why are you drunk?” he asked softly. He remembered that Mingi hated drinking.

Mingi looked at Hongjoong, slowly lifting his hand up and caressing his cheek. Hongjoong was even more confused when Mingi began caressing his cheek. “You don't know how much I missed you, Hongjoong..” Mingi said softly. Hongjoong blushed a little and looked away. “You got drunk because you missed me?” he asked quietly. Mingi nodded a little, his eyes still on Hongjoong. Hongjoong sighed a little and slowly pulled away, soon helping Mingi to stand up. “Y-you say that just because you're drunk..” he said softly, soon making his way towards his house. Mingi just held on the older male for some support, not saying anything, because he was kinda tired and exhausted.

Hongjoong and Mingi soon arrived at Hongjoong's house. Hongjoong reached into his pocket and quickly found his keys, unlocking the door and walking inside. He then closed the door behind them and then began taking off his shoes, helping Mingi to take off his shoes too. He then began leading him to his living room. Mingi slowly sat down on the couch after they entered the living room, holding Hongjoong's hands gently. He looked up at him, gently squeezing his hands. “W-why are you looking at me like that?” Hongjoong asked softly. Mingi just smiled and pulled the older male into his lap, his arms wrapping around Hongjoong's waist. Hongjoong blushed, not moving for a few seconds, since he was kinda shocked.

After a few seconds, Hongjoong could feel Mingi's hands moving down from his waist to his butt. He blushed madly. “D-don't..” he whispered. “Why? You seem like you like it..” Mingi said, gently squeezing Hongjoong's butt. “Mingi.. I don't want to do these type of things when we're not even dating.. plus you're drunk.” he said. Mingi lifted Hongjoong's head up gently, looking into his eyes. “Then let's date, be my boyfriend, Hongjoong.”

Hongjoong's eyes widened a little when he heard what Mingi said. “I.. don't say this when I can't even tell if you're drunk or sober..” he said softly, taking a hold of Mingi's hands and taking them off of him. “Just go to sleep.. goodnight, Mingi..” Hongjoong said, quickly standing up and then leaving the room, running into his bedroom. He then fell down on the bed and screamed into his pillow for a few seconds. He then changed into his light blue pyjamas and laid down into the bed, soon falling asleep..

Hongjoong woke up the next morning when he felt someone's strong arms around him. He smiled a little and then turned around, realizing that he lived alone. He jumped out of the bed, letting out a slight yelp when he hit the floor. Mingi groaned a little, waking up after Hongjoong fell down. “What are you doing?” he asked, holding his head in his hands. Hongjoong sighed a little and quickly sat up. “You scared me!” he said, crossing his arms and pouting a little

Mingi soon looked at the older male, smiling happily. “Stop being so cute.. or I'll kiss you.” he said softly. Hongjoong blushed madly and looked away. “You wouldn't do tha-” he started. Before he could finish his sentence, Mingi placed his lips on Hongjoong's. Mingi pulled away after a few seconds, chuckling slightly. “Hongjoong, be my boyfriend.” he said. Hongjoong continued blushing, soon nodding a little. “I'll be your boyfriend, Mingi..” he answered softly.

Mingi smiled and placed his forehead against Hongjoong's, smiling happily.  He then wrapped his arms around Hongjoong's waist and pulled him closer, hugging him tightly. Hongjoong smiled happily and wrapped his arms around Mingi, hugging him back..


This took me too long to write-
What do you want me to write next? I seriously don't know what to write.. I was thinking about a little one-shot again, but tell me what you would like to read.
By the way, I was thinking about writing a Yunho x Jongho fanfic, so.. tell me if you would be interested in that?
Bye for now~

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