🌼 Plushies 🌼

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Where Hongjoong falls into little space during a fansign..



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Hongjoong bit on his lower lip, closing his eyes and putting on the bunny hat that a fan gave to him. He opened his eyes again and looked around, looking at all their fans in front of him. Normally, these types of cute accessories would make him slip into little space, but since there were many people that he didn't know, he held himself from slipping.

The fans in the line moved again(?). Hongjoong greeted the new fan in front of him with a soft smile, soon begging to sign her album. He then looked up at her, soon seeing a raccoon plushie in front of him. The fan gave it to Hongjoong, saying that she bought it for him. Hongjoong said a small thank you, soon taking a hold of the plushie and covering his face. He looked at Mingi who was sitting next to him, talking to a fan. He leaned closer to his ear. “J-jwoongie.. wittle..” he whispered into his ear really quietly. Mingi's eyes widened slightly and he hummed softly, taking a hold of Hongjoong's hand.

Mingi then stood up, so Hongjoong immediately stood up too. Mingi grabbed the mic from the table and looked at the fans. “I'm really sorry, but Hongjoong isn't feeling really well.. we'll try to come back as soon as possible.” he said before putting the mic down again and began leading the leader backstage.

Mingi sighed slightly as he looked at Hongjoong who was just sitting on a chair and hugging his knees. Mingi walked over to the older male and hugged him. “it's okay, Joongie.. just calm down, you didn't do anything embarrassing, you're okay..” he said softly. Hongjoong hummed softly, soon wrapping his arms around Mingi.

After a few minutes, the older male finally calmed down. He was still holding onto Mingi tightly, trying to slip out of his little space, which just made his head hurt. Hongjoong whined slightly when his head started hurting, burying his face into Mingi's chest. “You can't try so hard, prince.. you know that it just hurts your head..” Mingi said softly, gently kissing Hongjoong's head. Hongjoong lifted his head up slowly and closed his eyes, letting the younger male kiss his head. “S-sorry, Gigi..” he mumbled quietly. “You don't need to apologize, prince. Just don't force yourself, take your time..” Mingi said softly. Hongjoong hummed, gently laying his head down on Mingi's chest and closing his eyes.

After around 20 minutes, Hongjoong finally slipped out of his little space. “Mingi, I didn't do anything embarrassing, right? No one noticed, right?” he asked softly as he looked up at Mingi. Mingi immediately shook his head, not wanting his boyfriend to get stressed again. “of course you didn't, now calm down..” he said softly. Hongjoong stood up from Mingi's lap and stretched slightly. “Let's go.. everyone is waiting for us and they're probably worried..” Hongjoong said. Mingi nodded and walked over to the door. Before leaving the room, he pressed a quick kiss on Hongjoong's lips. “now we can go.” he said softly, opening the door for Hongjoong. Hongjoong smiled and blushed slightly, walking out of the room. ‘I have the best boyfriend..’ he thought, making his way to the stage again, Mingi following him.

Mingi smirked slightly and gave Hongjoong's butt a gentle slap before walking on the stage again. Hongjoong blushed madly and stopped for a few seconds before following him. He walked over to the table and grabbed the mic, quickly apologizing for disappearing like that. After that, the fansign was okay. Hongjoong received a few more plushies and accessories, but he held himself this time. He slipped into little space again after the fansign ended.


Finally updated again~
I hope this one was better than the last one? The last one was pretty dissapointing tbh.
Btw please leave some requests, I'm slowly running out of ideas-
Bye for now~

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