💧 Failing 🌼

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Type: Angst(?), Fluff

When ATEEZ is preparing for a comeback and during practice Hongjoong keeps doing some moves wrong and Mingi keeps shouting at him..



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Hongjoong sighed angrily as he fell down again. Seonghwa quickly went to stop the music, looking at Hongjoong worriedly. “Are you okay-” San asked, but he was suddenly cut off when he heard Mingi's loud voice. “Why do you keep failing? We did this move like hundred times already and you still can't get it right! Come on, stand up and let's continue, everything needs to end perfectly today, you're just ruining it.” Mingi said.

Everyone stayed quiet, looking at Mingi. Hongjoong looked up at his boyfriend, his eyes getting teary. The last part really hurt him when he heard it. I'm so useless, I'm just ruining everything again.. he thought, lowering his head and looking at the floor. “hey, will you stand up so we could continue?” Mingi asked angrily.

Yunho soon walked over to Mingi, placing his hand on his shoulder. “You should stop being so angry about it, you did these mistakes too.. and we still have time, we could continue tommorow. I'm pretty sure that Hongjoong must be really exhausted already and you're just making him stressed when you scream at him.” Yunho said, helping Hongjoong to stand up. Mingi crossed his arms, looking at Yunho and Hongjoong angrily. San walked over to Hongjoong and put on a slight smile. “would you like to stay with me tonight? Mingi will just scream at you more and that's not good..” he said quietly, as he looked at Hongjoong. Hongjoong put on a tired smile and shook his head. “i'll be okay, but thank you.” he said softly.

San nodded slightly, still kinda worried. “Don't be mad at him anymore, hm?” Yunho said, soon walking away from Mingi. “alright, let's end it today! You did a great job everyone!” Yunho then shouted. Everyone then started leaving, San still really close to Hongjoong, since he didn't want him to be even more sad. Mingi walked behind them, slowly calming down.

They soon arrived at the dorm. San let go of Hongjoong, letting him go. “I forgot Shiber somewhere..” San said, looking around. “It's okay, I'll be with you tonight and we'll find him(?) Tommorow.” Wooyoung said, walking over to San.

Hongjoong walked into his and Mingi's room, laying down and burying his face into his pillow. He felt like a dissapointment. A frown formed on his face, hating that he made his boyfriend mad today. He soon sat up slowly, a few tears leaving his eyes as he looked down at his pillow. He sniffled slightly and wiped his tears away, sniffling slightly more. A shaky breath left his lips and more tears rolled down his cheeks.

He quickly wiped his tears away again when he heard the door opening. He sniffled slightly and turned around, not knowing who it was since it was completely dark in the room. “Baby, are you crying?” Mingi asked. Hongjoong eyes widened and he quickly shook his head, realizing that Mingi wasn't able to really see him. “n-no..” he answered quickly, his voice shaking and his lips quivering.

A soft sigh left Mingi's lips. He walked over to Hongjoong's bed and sat down, pulling the older male into a hug. “i'm really sorry, baby.. I don't know why I got so angry.. please don't cry anymore, I'll do anything. I'll give you all my hugs and kisses and everything you want.” Mingi whispered softly. Hongjoong sniffled slightly and hummed slightly.

Mingi smiled and cupped the older male's face into his hands, kissing both of his cheeks and then his lips. “you must be really tired, prince. How about we take these off and go to sleep? We'll shower tommorow..” he said softly. A smile formed on Hongjoong lips when he heard Mingi call him a prince. He really liked it when Mingi called him a prince, it made him forget about every negative thought he had about himself.

Hongjoong let out a soft hum. Mingi smiled and laid the older male down, gently taking off his clothes and putting them away. He then took off his clothes too and laid down next to Hongjoong, wrapping his arms around him and and hugging tightly. “i'm sorry again..” he whispered, leaving a soft kiss on Hongjoong's forehead. “it's okay, I understand..” Hongjoong said, a cute yawn leaving his lips. “still, I shouldn't say something like that to you..” he said softly and sighed slightly. “Good night, prince..” he soon whispered softly. “good night, gigi..” Hongjoong whispered before he fell asleep in Mingi's arms.


Yay, finally updated again after 4 days-
I hope that you enjoyed this oneshot, because I really enjoy writing these. I always get a random idea and I'll just write it here-
Bye for now~

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