🍑 Teacher 🍑|🌼

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Type: Smut, Fluff
Requested by: BangiiTanii



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"Take that, loser!" Hongjoong shouted as he kicked the student lying on the ground. He never knew why he bullied people. Maybe because he wasn't happy with his own life, so he wanted to make other people's lifes worse than his? Maybe, we don't know.. Hongjoong finished by spitting down on the student, walking away right after that. He bit on his lower lip, frustrated with himself. He made his way to class, taking off his mask and hoodie before he entered the class. He didn't want people to know that he was the one bullying all those people, not knowing that there was someone that knew about all this.

Hongjoong sat down on his chair in the back, the bell ringing as soon as he sat down. A sigh left his lips as he laid his head down on his desk, blushing as his teacher walked in. Yes, he had a crush on his teacher, Song Mingi. He knew that he shouldn't feel like about a teacher, but he just did. It's also why he felt disgusting.

Hongjoong didn't even notice and school was already over. He didn't do anything in classes, he rather slept or thought about random, pervy shit. Another one of his reasons why he was disgusted in himself. With a sigh, he left the classroom, immediately stopped by his teacher, Song Mingi. Hongjoong straightened his back, blushing slightly. "Hongjoong, I need to talk to you about some serious stuff." he said. Hongjoong just nodded and followed Mingi back to the classroom. He was really nervous, yet excited at the same time.

Mingi entered the classroom, Hongjoong right behind him. Mingi smiled slightly at Hongjoong. "No need to be so nervous, it's not like I'm going to kill you or something." Mingi said softly, chuckling slightly. Hongjoong just chuckled awkwardly with him. Mingi then sighed, his expression showing that he was gonna be serious now. "I'm going to be straight with this, why did you decide to bully other students?" Mingi asked, looking straight into Hongjoong's eyes. Hongjoong's eyes widened at the question.

Hongjoong never felt his heart beat this fast before. His head started hurting, his hands sweating. He wasn't focusing on what was happening anymore, he was just trying to get himself to calm down. Everything stopped when he felt Mingi's hands grab his. "It's alright, take your time.." he said in a soft voice. Just that simple sentence helped Hongjoong calm down a little. He looked up at Mingi, immediately looking back down after he felt his eyes watering. It took a few minutes for Hongjoong to calm down completely. It also made Hongjoong snap slightly.

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