🍑 Puppy 🍑

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Type: Smut
Requested by: KelloggCornFlacks



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“Puppy, come here.” Hongjoong said as he sat on the edge of the bed, holding the leash that was attached to a collar around Mingi's neck. Mingi nodded and began crawling towards the older male, feeling a slight shiver down his spine. He was naked, a collar around his neck and a blindfold over his eyes. He wanted to talk, but he knew that if he would try, Hongjoong would immediately stuff something into his mouth so he wouldn't be able to talk much.

Mingi sat down on the floor between Hongjoong's legs. Hongjoong chuckled darkly. “Open your mouth~” he said sweetly, yet with a creepy tone in his voice. The younger male obeyed and opened his mouth. Hongjoong smirked, pulling Mingi's head even closer so he could push his cock inside the younger man's mouth. Hongjoong immediately began tk fuck Mingi's mouth the moment his dick entered his hot mouth. Mingi moaned every time Hongjoong's length would hit the back of his throat, slightly choking.

Hongjoong really enjoyed the sound of Mingi moaning and choking around his cock, knowing that Mingi liked the feeling of his cock onside his mouth as well. “Hmm, such a good boy for me.. Yeah~” Hongjoong groaned, tangling his fingers in Mingi's hair. He began to tug gently on the younger male's hair, a few low moans leaving his mouth. Hongjoong soon pulled his dick out of Mingi's mouth and chuckled. He took off the blindfold around Mingi's eyes, allowing him to look.

“Now, I'll make you suffer a little. If you're good, I'm gonna give you an award~” Hongjoong said. He got on the bed, his back facing the younger male. He smirked and grabbed a blue dildo that he prepared before on the bed. “Keep your eyes on me the whole time, puppy. You're not allowed to look away.” Hongjoong said before he lowered himself on the big dildo, looking back to see Mingi's reaction. He knew that Mingi hated this, but he didn't care, he loved to make Mingi suffer for a few minutes. He bent over, giving Mingi a good look on the dildo and his entrance.

“You'd love to be inside me right now, hm? I bet you just want to get inside me and cum inside me.. But guess what? You can't yet~ if you stay good like this until I cum, you can get inside me.” Hongjoong said.

Mingi bit on his lip and hummed, watching as the toy slid in and out, in and out, in and out.. He was on adge. He was starting to get really frustrated, he just wanted to stand up and get inside the older male, but.. He didn't want a punishment. He once disobeyed and got locked inside a room for 3 days with handcuffs. Hongjoong would come in a few times just to feed the younger or change his clothes.. Or he would masturbate for a few hours in front of Mingi. He hated that punishment so. MUCH.

Mingi continued staring at the older male, who still continued fucking himself on the toy. “Hmm, just a little more, Puppy.. You can do it, you're always a good boy..” Hongjoong said, feeling close. He began fucking himself on the toy faster, a few high pitched moans leaving him. After a few more hard thrusts, he came, Mingi's name leaving his lips. Hongjoong pulled the toy out, soon turning around to face Mingi again. He leaned down so his face was closer to Mingi's. “I guess you deserve a reward now~ What do you want, puppy?” Hongjoong asked. “You can ask for 2 things since I wasn't able to reward you for last time~” he added with a sweet smile.

Mingi thought about it for a while. “I want to.. Eat you out and fuck you..” he answered. Hongjoong smirked and nodded, spreading his legs so Mingi could see his hole. “Come get your reward then..” he said, biting on his lower lip sexily, waiting for the younger male to do something. Mingi moved closer, placing his hands on Hongjoong's thighs and spreading his legs a little more. He stuck out his tongue and licked the older male's entrance, looking up at Hongjoong to see his reaction. Hongjoong just looked down at Mingi impatiently, just wanting Mingi to continue and not stop.

Mingi pulled the older man closer, burying his tongue deep inside the older. Hongjoong hummed in satisfaction, telling Mingi to keep going. Mingi eagerly continued to move his tongue inside the older male, liking how Hongjoong tasted. He also liked knowing that he made the older male feel good.

After a few more minutes of tongue fucking the older male, he pulled his tongue out, licking his lips as he looked at Hongjoong. “You know what? Get on the bed, on your back. I'll ride you.” Hongjoong commanded, Mingi immediately obeying. He got on the bed, lying down on his back. Hongjoong got on top of the younger male, biting on his lower lip as he took Mingi's cock into his hand, giving it a few lazy strokes. He then slowly lowered himself on the thick length, shivering. Mingi was still incredibly huge like always, it was hard for Hongjoong to get used to it.

Hongjoong stayed still for a few seconds, adjusting to Mingi's huge dick. After a while, the older male began slowly bouncing up and down, slowly picking up space as he got more and more used to Mingi's cock. Hongjoong looked at Mingi's expression, smirking slightly. “Don't hold back~” the older man purred. Mingi let out a soft moan, earning a happy hum from Hongjoong. “Good boy.” he praised him, his pace getting as fast as possible. Mingi let out a moan every time Hongjoong would lower himself down. The sound of skin slapping made him even more aroused.

Hongjoong began getting close, hoping that Mingi was close as well. “Are you close, puppy?” Hongjoong asked shakily. Mingi wasn't able to come with a normal response due to so much pleasure, so he just moaned and nodded quickly. “Then cum for me, baby.. Release inside me~” Hongjoong said, knowing that the last sentence would definitely make Mingi cum instantly.

As he thought, Mingi came after that sentence, spilling inside the older male. Hongjoong continued bouncing before coming over Mingi's stomach. Hongjoong chuckled slightly and got off of Mingi, grabbing a towel that was next to the bed and cleaning Mingi. “Now, carry me to the shower and clean me, puppy~” Hongjoong purred with a devilish, yet cute smile..


Guyyyyyyyys, I'm so sorry for taking so long but I was just so lazyyyyyyy
And I'm also not really into ateez or kpop like I was before, I'm more of an anime fan rn, so.. I'm sorry to disappoint ya'll.
Buttttt, I also hope that you liked this one shot after such a long time.
Again, sorry

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