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Type: Angst

Where Hongjoong is a yandere and Mingi is his victim..

!!Don't read if you don't like gore and this yandere stuff!!
!!Warning: death!!



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"Are you gonna run? Please don't leave me.. I don't want to be alone.." Hongjoong said with an innocent voice, walking towards Mingi with some blood on his fingers. "You have to understand that I had to kill her.. she was getting in our way.. we have to be together. We're meant to be together." Hongjoong added, picking up his pace. Mingi stared at the older male, his heart beating really fast. He was terrified, absolutely terrified. The sweet and loving Hongjoong he knew, turned into a psychopath.

Mingi turned around and began running, wanting to get out of the school as fast as possible. He wanted to call the police, but his phone was dead. "Stop running.. it's a waste, you can't run away from me.." Hongjoong said, caughting up to the younger male. Mingi froze and stopped running, already knowing that it was too late. Hongjoong chuckled slightly behind him and wrapping his arms around him, which made Mingi flinch slightly.

"I love you, Mingi.. you need to understand that we're meant to be together. I'm only alive because of you.." Hongjoong said softly. Mingi shut his eyes tightly and let out a shaky sigh. "I don't love you, Hongjoong... Not anymore." he said, trying to stay calm. Everything was quiet for a while before Hongjoong started crying and laughing slightly. Mingi hated to admit that he felt sad when he heard the older male crying and laughing so brokenly.

"What do I have to do for you to love me? I do everything for you.. and everything I want is just for you to love me back.. it's such a simple thing.. why can't you just love me back?" Hongjoong said brokenly and sadly. He soon stopped laughing and just cried, his arms leaving Mingi. "Why would you love someone like her.. she was just trying to get into your pants, it was so obvious.." he said, pulling out a tissue and cleaning his knife. He then wiped his tears away and continued cleaning his knife.

Mingi just watched the older male the whole time, not saying anything, just breathing heavily and trying to stay calm. He would have never believed that Hongjoong would be like that.

Hongjoong sighed and sat down on the ground, looking at Mingi. "Mingi, please love me.. if you aren't gonna love me then I'm gonna die.." he started, moving closer to Mingi. Mingi gulped and just stared, not moving. "I will do everything for you.. everything.. please, Mingi love me.. i-if you don't like something about me then tell me and I'll change for you.. M-mingi, please.." Hongjoong begged, his eyes getting watery again. "Mingi, I need you.. p-please love me, p-please.. I beg you.." he added, wrapping his arms around Mingi and laying his head down on Mingi's shoulder.

Mingi hated that he felt sorry for Hongjoong. He felt like that Hongjoong was still really sweet and all, but something inside him was forcing him to kill people for him. Mingi knew that he had to think fast. He still loved Hongjoong, but he hated this psychotic side of him. He loved the sweet and small side of Hongjoong.

Mingi's head was a mess, he didn't know how to decide at all. He just placed his hand gently on Hongjoong's head and began patting his head.

"Hongjoong, give me the knife." Mingi said after a while, holding his hand out. Hongjoong lifted his head up and looked at Mingi before looking at his knife. He immediately gave his knife to the younger male and tilted his head slightly, wondering why the younger male wanted it. Mingi put the knife down on the ground next to him, his eyes still on Hongjoong.

"Hongjoong.. you have to move on from me." Mingi said. Hongjoong's eyes widened when he heard what the younger male said. He couldn't believe that the younger male said something like that. "S-stop joking around.." he said, hoping that it was just one of Mingi's really bad jokes. "I'm not joking.. it wouldn't work between us, since you're so obsessive.." Mingi said. Tears began rolling down Hongjoong's cheeks again. "I-I'll change for you! I promise! Please, just.. d-don't say that.. I'll try harder to be perfect for you.. I promise.. p-please give me a chance.." Hongjoong said, his voice getting quieter.

Mingi sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry, it's too late to change it now." he said, his heart hurting when he saw how broken and hurt the older male was. "n-no.. g-give me a chance.. I beg you.." Hongjoong whispered, sniffling and wiping his tears away. Mingi sighed and began patting the older male's head gently again. "M-mingi.. it really hurts.. y-you don't know how much it hurts.." Hongjoong whispered. He then moved slightly closer to the younger male and tried to grab the knife again, but Mingi noticed and stopped him from grabbing the knife. "W-why are you trying to hurt me even more.. j-just give me the knife.." Hongjoong whispered, still trying to reach for the knife. Mingi frowned, still refusing to give Hongjoong the knife.

"Just give it to me, nobody cares about my meaningless life, so it's better if I'm gonna be gone!" Hongjoong soon shouted. Mingi frowned even more, pushing the knife away from both of them and then wrapping his arms around Hongjoong. "L-let me go.." Hongjoong said weakly, trying to get out of the Mingi's embrace. Mingi shook his head, refusing to let the older male go. "You're such an idiot.. just let me go and let me end this.. it'll be better for us." Hongjoong said, using all his force to get out of Mingi's grip. He then ran over to the knife and grabbed if, pointing it to his chest.

Mingi froze as he saw Hongjoong pointing the knife to his chest. "I'll really miss you, Mingi.. remember that I love you.." Hongjoong said. "No, don't do it!" Mingi shouted, but it was too late, Hongjoong stabbed himself before Mingi could stop him. Mingi ran over to him and pulled the knife out, trying to stop the blood. Mingi's breath began to get heavier as he watched the older male die right in front of him.

Mingi held Hongjoong's lifeless body in his arms, crying. He held him for a while before really gently laying him down on the floor and grabbing the knife, pointing it to his own chest. He gulped and closed his eyes, soon stabbing himself. He fell down on the floor next to Hongjoong and weakly wrapped his arms around him, soon dying next to him..


I'm so sorry for the sad ending, I'll make a happy one next, I promise! (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
If you have a request for an one shot then just request it on the really first page of this book ^-^
I was thinking that the next one shot would be a little one shot again, so- tell me if you would like that??
Bye for now~

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