💧Wrong Love 🌼

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Type: Angst, Fluff

Where Mingi bullies Hongjoong and Hongjoong hurts himself because of it..
Requested by: TaeyongHasNoAss
Thank you~ ^^



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Hongjoong was in pain. His life became a pain ever since he was in third grade in middle school. Hongjoong was adopted into a family with two women. He was the only child until he was 8 years old. When he reaches 8, his mothers decided to adopt another child. They thought that when Hongjoong would have an older brother, he wouldn't feel so alone. But they were wrong. Hongjoong's brother didn't like Hongjoong at all. He would always have so much attention from his mothers, so Hongjoong didn't get any. And when they would be alone, he would always do terrible things to Hongjoong.. like pull on his hair, punch him or kick him and then leave him in his bedroom.

When Hongjoong got into fifth grade, when he was around 10, a new boy joined their school. His name was Mingi. He was shy the first few months, but then he somehow became the bully. Well, he didn't bully everyone, only Hongjoong. Hongjoong never understood why the younger male hated him so much. He always wondered if it was because he had two mothers? Or that he was adopted? Mingi's bullying continued for 6 more years, since they went to the same high school. When he got into first grade in high, he began to hurt himself. He hated himself for developing a crush on Mingi.

One day, when Hongjoong came to school, Mingi insulted his hair, saying that his hair color was really ugly. Right after that, Hongjoong dyed his hair red, since he wanted to look good for Mingi. He heard that the younger male liked red, so he decided to dye it red. When he came to school the other day, Mingi didn't really mention anything about Hongjoong's hair, which made Hongjoong a little upset, but still he was kinda glad, since he didn't get insulted.

Currently, Hongjoong was making his way to school. It was Friday, which didn't make him really happy. He would rather get insulted by Mingi than go home and get ignored by his mother's and get insulted by his brother. When he began to get closer to school, he saw Mingi. He began to slow down, looking down at his feet. He then stopped in front of Mingi, waiting for another insult from the younger male. “Hey, how about you look up here, dwarf.” Mingi said, moving closer to the older male. Hongjoong obeyed and looked up at the younger male, feeling like he was gonna get slapped or punched if he disobeys. “Good boy, now follow me.” Mingi said strictly and began making his way behind the school. Hongjoong began shaking slightly, but he nodded and followed Mingi.

While Mingi was walking, he began wondering why he was acting like a real asshole to the older male. Mingi developed a crush on the older male, but he kept denying it, until today. In the morning he woke up after having a dream about Hongjoong. That made him think about his feelings and he realized that he actually didn't hate the older male.

Mingi's eyes kept wandering around, getting nervous. He was about to apologize and confess to Hongjoong, of course he was gonna be nervous, since he didn't know what reaction he should expect. He looked behind him, noticing that the older male was shaking, biting on is lower lip and nervously and burying his nails into his arms. Mingi felt extremely horrible, knowing that the older male was terrified.

When they arrived where Mingi wanted they both stopped. Mingi sighed and walked over to a bench, patting the seat next to him. “Sit here..” he said softly, putting on a small smile. Hongjoong relaxed a little after he saw Mingi's smile. He nodded and walked over to Mingi, sitting down next to him. Mingi then took a deep breath and sighed, taking a hold of Hongjoong's cold hands. “Hongjoong, I would like to apologize for being an asshole for 7 whole years. During these 7 years I thought that I really hated you, but.. I had a dream yesterday and it made me realize that I actually.. really like you. I know, it's really stupid and you probably really hate me and want me to die, but I just.. I had to tell you. If you want to you can slap me, kick me, punch me, whatever you want, because I deserve it.” Mingi said.

Hongjoong had to say, he was shocked and really surprised. He didn't expect this day to ever come. He smiled, quickly covering his mouth with his hands. Mingi had his eyes closed for a few seconds before slowly opening them and looking at Hongjoong, his eyes widening. “Hongjoong, you're.. bleeding.” Mingi said. Hongjoong panicked and looked at his hands, seeing they were a little bloody. Mingi took a hold of the older male's hands, soon slowly lifting up the older male's sleeves. Hongjoong closed his eyes and soon began to shake. “Hongjoong.. are you hurting yourself?” Mingi asked sadly, really hurt. He knew that he was the reason why Hongjoong hurt himself. Hongjoong didn't say anything and Mingi immediately knew.

He stood up and began looking through his bag, soon finding his keys. He then grabbed both his and Hongjoong's bag and put them into a bush. He then immediately lifted Hongjoong up, bridal style. Hongjoong played with his shirt, a slight blush and smiled on his face. Mingi began carrying the older male home, wanting to treat his wounds. “Don't hurt yourself ever again.. can you promise me to not hurt yourself again?” Mingi asked, looking at the older male with serious eyes. Hongjoong got nervous, biting on his lower lip. “I-I can't promise.. but I'll try really hard to stop, I promise!” Hongjoong said quickly. Mingi smiled slightly and sighed. “Thank you.” Mingi said softly. Hongjoong smiled and blushed again.

“I'll treat you like a precious treasure from now on.”


I really hope you enjoyed it ^^'
Today I bought Ep.Fin: All to action and I'm just so in love-
Btw I don't really know what to write here so I guess bye for now~

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