🌼 Jealousy 🌼

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Type: Fluff

Where little San gets sick and all the members are paying attention to him, while no one is paying attention to little Hongjoong..



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Hongjoong pouted angrily as he sat on a chair, watching as his Mingi was running around, trying to help San. Poor little San was outside with Wooyoung and Wooyoung wasn't paying much attention, so San unzipped his jacket.. and he just had a shirt under it. So of course, the next day, today, San got a really high fever and he was in so much pain, it was hard for him to even move, since it kinda hurt and his he got a little dizzy everytime he would try to sit up. San's main caregiver, Yunho, was cooking some soup for his precious little San, so he didn't have time to be with him. He could have had asked another member, but Mingi offered to help, so he let him.

Hongjoong soon got out of the chair and walked towards Mingi, gently tugging on his sleeve. “Daddy..” he said softly, looking up at his caregiver. Mingi shook his head and sighed. “Hongjoong, I can't right now.. can't you see that Sannie is really sick?” he asked, turning his attention to San again. Hongjoong pouted, his eyes getting a little teary. He sighed slightly, running out of the room. He quickly ran to Seonghwa's room, immediately jumping into his arms. He couldn't believe that Mingi called him ‘Hongjoong’ and then called San ‘Sannie’.

Seonghwa was really surprised after Hongjoong did that. “What's wrong, Joongie?” he asked softly, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him closer. Hongjoong looked up at Seonghwa, sniffling slightly before letting his tears fall. Seonghwa was really confused about why Hongjoong was crying. He knew that it was something serious, since Hongjoong barely cried. “D-daddy.. paying too much attention.. to s-sannie..” Hongjoong cried softly. Seonghwa hugged the little tightly and gently wiped his tears away. “D-daddy called Joongie H-hongjoong...” the little one added, shaking a little. It was really weird for Hongjoong, since he never seen him acting like this.

“It's gonna be okay, Joongie.. Mingi's taking care of Sannie, because Yunho can't..” Seonghwa said softly. Hongjoong wiped his tears away and turned around, crossing his arms. After what Seonghwa said, he didn't feel like talking to him anymore, so he stood up and walked out of the room, sniffling slightly. He then accidentally bumped into another member, Yeosang. “Joongie, what happened? Why are you crying?” he asked softly. “N-no matter anymore..” Hongjoong whispered. Yeosang sighed a little and lifted the little into his arms, carrying him to his room. “No, it does matter.. please tell me what happened Joongie..” Yeosang said softly.

Hongjoong hesitated before answering. “D-daddy paying.. too much attention to Sannie..” he whispered softly. Yeosang shook his head and sighed. “Mingi shouldn't do that when he has you.. Yunho should have had asked me or something, but why Mingi?” Yeosang asked. Hongjoong's eyes lit up a little when he heard what Yeosang said, knowing that he agreed with him that Mingi was paying too much attention to another little.

“Well, how about we make your Daddy a little jealous, Joongie?” Yeosang soon suggested. Hongjoong nodded before tilting his head. “How?” he asked softly and quietly, wiping his tears away gently. “How about.. when your Daddy's gonna try to talk to you then you come to me and ignore him. It will be a little revenge for ignoring you, hm?” Yeosang said. Hongjoong was a little hesitant before nodding. He didn't want to ignore Mingi, but at the same time he wanted a little revenge.

“Alright, then how about we go to the living room and watch the TV with the other members?” Yeosang then suggested. Hongjoong shrugged slightly and then nodded, holding onto the other tighter. Yeosang hummed and carried Hongjoong to the living room, sitting down on the couch next to Wooyoung.

They just watched the TV in silence, until Hongjoong heard the door from Yunho's and San's room opening. He pushed back the urge to stand up and hug Mingi, he just hugged Yeosang instead. He watched as Mingi walked into the living room and sat down next to Yeosang. Mingi opened his arms, thinking that the little would jump right I his arms, but Hongjoong just shook his head and turned his head the other way around, looking at Wooyoung instead. “What's wrong?” he asked softly. “He's just mad at you.” Yeosang answered, gently rubbing Hongjoong's back. Mingi sighed slightly when he heard what Yeosang said. “Come on, Joongie.. don't be mad at me just because of that. Sannie's really sick and I just had to help Yunho.” Mingi said.

It was really silent before Hongjoong's sniffling broke the silence. “Oh my.. don't cry, sweetie.” Yeosang said softly, lifting Hongjoong's head up and wiping his tears away gently. Hongjoong looked at Mingi with a hurt expression, not wanting to talk to him. Mingi sighed and opened his arms again. “Come on, Joongie.. I promise that I'll pay all my attention to you now.. and if you want I can give you some sweets or whatever you want.” he said softly with a smile.

Hongjoong continued sniffling and crying softly before he got out of Yeosang's arms gently and immediately fell into Mingi's. “O-only want Daddy..” he whispered softly. Mingi smiled and immediately hugged the older male, refusing to let him go. Hongjoong looked up at Mingi and sniffled slightly. “A-apologize daddy..” he said softly. Mingi sighed slightly and hummed. “Alright.. I'm sorry, baby.” he said softly. “Mean it?” Hongjoong asked softly. Mingi smiled and kissed his forehead gently. “Of course I mean it.” he answered before he stood up and began carrying his little to their bedroom.

“How about we just cuddle now and shower tommorow? You must be really tired already.” Mingi said, laying down on the bed with the older male. Hongjoong hummed softly and sighed, still kinda sad. “Don't worry, baby.. this whole weak I'm gonna spoil you with all my attention. I won't pay attention to anyone else.” Mingi added, wrapping his arms around Hongjoong and hugging him tightly. Hongjoong smiled and nodded immediately. “Yes!” he said. Mingi chuckled and gently kissed his nose. “Alright, now close your eyes and let's sleep..” he said softly. Right after Mingi said that, Hongjoong closed his eyes and almost immediately fell asleep. Mingi just chuckled a little and soon closed his eyes, falling asleep too...


Ey, I updated again, finally-
I seriously don't know what to say, so I'll just tell you that I overslept today, so I didn't get on time to my volleyball practice-
Bye for now~

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