💧Two Kings 🌼

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Type: Angst, Fluff

Where two princes fall in love..



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Hongjoong and Mingi met at Mingi's sister's wedding, which was 10 years ago. That day, Hongjoong was the one to approach Mingi. Mingi caught the older male's eye, so he just decided to approach him, even though he was usually nervous and shy around new people. That day, they already found out a lot of things about each other. Also that day, they were the only ones that didn't get drunk. They were surprised when they found out that both Mingi's and Hongjoong's mothers were drunk, so Hongjoong and his mothers stayed the night at Mingi's. Mingi's parents weren't really supportive, but since they were drunk, they just didn't care about anything, so they let Hongjoong's mothers stay.

Everyone knew about Hongjoong being gay. First, he came out to his mother's when he was 14 and then, after he turned 18, he came out to the public. He was the first gay prince to come out and he was proud of that. Even though some people hated him for that, he was still really proud of himself and his mothers were proud of him too. Mingi's parents knew that Mingi and Hongjoong were friends, and they didn't like that.. but they didn't want to hurt Mingi, so they just let them stay friends. They warned Mingi about being gay thought, they didn't want their son to be gay. Mingi promised that he won't be gay and that he won't fall in love with Hongjoong, but.. he kinda broke the promise.

After Mingi fell in love with Hongjoong, he began to get a little more clingy and touchy with the older male. He would randomly touch Hongjoong's hand, hair or thigh and Hongjoong would always smile when Mingi would do that. One day, Mingi noticed that Hongjoong began painting his pinky, so he asked why he painted only one and Hongjoong explained that he was doing it for a campaign. Mingi came home with his pinky painted that day..

Currently, Hongjoong was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands, worried about Mingi. They were at Mingi's house and Mingi's parents heard them say ‘I love you’ to each other and they even saw them kiss. He knew what Mingi's parents said to Mingi a few years ago, so he was afraid that they were going to hurt Mingi for breaking the promise. After a few mote minutes he stood up, his head hurts from how worried he was about the younger male. He made his way downstairs to the living room, sitting down next to his mothers. His mother's immediately noticed how sad Hongjoong, so they asked him what was wrong. Hongjoong was a little hesitant, but he still told them about everything that happened.

“Mingi is strong, don't worry.. he's gonna be okay.” one of his mothers said, gently pulling Hongjoong in between them. Then they both hugged him tightly, telling him that everything was gonna be okay. Hongjoong trusted their words, trying to stay positive in that situation.

On the other side, Mingi was fighting with his parents. All that could be heard in the house was their arguing. “It's 20 fucking 19, it should be considered normal to love your own fucking gender!” Mingi shouted at his parents. “Don't you dare talk to us like that, Mingi!” his parents shouted back at him. “I'll stop after you'll just let me love whoever I want! Tell me, what's so wrong about loving my own gender!?” he asked, shouting again. “Everything!” his parents shouted. “That's not a fucking reason, tell me something that makes sense! Love isn't about how the organs react to each other!” Mingi shouted, a sigh leaving his lips. His parents got quiet, not saying anything. Mingi just glared at them and quickly grabbed his things, running out of the house and making his way towards Hongjoong's.

After just a few minutes he arrived, panting. He rang the bell a few times, waiting for someone to open the door for him. The door soon opened, revealing Hongjoong. Mingi smiled and immediately jumped into Hongjoong's arms, almost falling. He hugged the older male as tight as possible. Of course he was still being careful, because he didn't want to hurt the older. Hongjoong hugged the younger male back tightly, jumping up slightly because he wanted the younger to lift him. Mingi smiled happily and lifted the older male up, spinning around a few times. Hongjoong's mothers just cooed at the cute moment between the two, soon leaving so they could be alone.

Mingi carried his lover to the bedroom, immediately laying down on the bed with him. “I was so worried..” Hongjoong mumbled softly. Mingi couldn't help but smile at that. “I'm so sorry that I made you worried, my prince..” he said softly, gently kissing Hongjoong's cheek. He then sat up, pulling the older male into his lap. Hongjoong smiled and got comfortable, facing the younger male. He wanted to ask about what happened, but he didn't want the younger male to be sad or something, so he decided to not ask about anything.

After a few minutes of silence, Mingi's phone began vibrating in his pocket. He pulled his phone out, noticing that it was his parents. He let out a sigh and answered the call, putting it on a speaker so Hongjoong could hear them too. “What is it?” he asked harshly. “We're so sorry, Mingi.. we thought about what you said and we realized that we were acting really stupid.. can you please come back so we could talk about it?” his mother said from the phone. Mingi looked at Hongjoong. “Um.. just tell me everything over the phone, there's nothing to really talk about.” he said.

His mother sighed and hummed before talking. “Well, we would just like to say we're really sorry and that we'll do anything for you to forgive us.” she said. “Well, I don't really want anything.. everything I want right now is just to marry Hongjoong.” Mingi said. Hongjoong's eyes widened a little when he heard what Mingi said. It was quiet for a few seconds before Mingi's mother spoke up again. “Ask Hongjoong's parents about when they'll have free time and we'll talk about a wedding for you two.” she said. “Wait, seriously?” Mingi asked. His mother just hummed before ending the call.

Mingi and Hongjoong looked at each other happily. Mingi then reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring, looking at Hongjoong lovingly. “Will you make me the happiest man and marry me?” he asked softly. Hongjoong gasped a little, not expecting something like that. He nodded immediately and hugged the younger male tightly. He then pulled him into a loving kiss. It was the happiest day for Hongjoong..


Heyyy, I really hope that you liked this one. I was bored the whole day, so I just decided to write this. Tommorow I'm going to finally have my hair dyed again, it looks so ugly right now-
Bye for now~

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