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Type: Angst

Where everything is normal in Hongjoong's life, until Mingi ruins it.

!!Warning!!: Death, Depression and Self harm



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Hongjoong has suffered with depression for years now and he was slowly getting better. The reason why he was slowly recovering was Mingi. Mingi was the one helping him to get better. These two met 7 years ago in a forest, where Mingi found Hongjoong hurting himself. That day, Mingi decided to help him. He began to take care of him, protect him, give him food, give him home and give him love. After 3 years, they began dating. The day that Mingi asked Hongjoong if he would be his boyfriend, Hongjoong finally had a wide smile on his face after not smiling his whole life. Mingi knew that he felt really proud of himself when he saw Hongjoong's gorgeous smile.

Right now, Hongjoong was making his way home after working with some food for himself and Mingi. He was walking home with a slight smile on his face, wanting to surprise his boyfriend. He told Mingi that he wasn't going to be home until 8 pm, but there he was, already making his way home at 5 pm.

Hongjoong soon arrived, his smile slightly widening at the thought of seeing his boyfriend again. He unlocked the door and slowly got in, making sure that he was being quiet. He walked into the living room, expecting to see Mingi there, but he didn't see him. He tilted his head slightly and began to make his way upstairs, still being as quiet as possible.

He slightly opened the door, looking inside. He raised his eyebrow when he saw Mingi with someone.. maybe a friend?

“What about your boyfriend thought?” the person asked as he looked at Mingi. “Wooyoung, I already told you that I love you, of course, I love Hongjoong too, but not in the romantic way.. I'm with him just to make him feel better about himself and to get him out of his depression.” Mingi said, wrapping his arms around Wooyoung and pulling him closer, soon connecting their lips.

Hongjoong covered his mouth, his head hurting at what he was hearing and seeing. He felt like he wanted to vomit after seeing and hearing that. He closed the door again and made his way to the kitchen. He put the food down on the counter and pulled out a little paper, pen, knife and rope. He grabbed the knife first and began cutting his arm, his breathing getting slightly heavier. He then grabbed the pen and paper and wrote a little message for Mingi and Wooyoung. He got some of his blood on the paper, but it wasn't like he cared. Tears soon started to roll down his cheeks. He quickly grabbed the rope and his phone and made his way to the door, soon leaving.

When he was outside he tried to walk somewhere where weren't many people. He was making his way into the forest where him and Mingi met. The forest wasn't that far, so he was there in a few minutes.

He entered the forest and made his way somewhere far, but not too far. He climbed on a tree and tied the rope there. He then got down and pulled out his phone, texting his friend San, telling him to not miss him too much and telling him to forget about him. He then texted Mingi's friend Yunho, telling him to make sure that Mingi was gonna be happy with Wooyoung and eat well. Soon he sent the last message to Mingi, telling him to be happy without him and be with Wooyoung.

He then threw his phone down on the ground and sighed shakily. He walked over to the rope and tied it around his neck. He was on the tree and the tree was pretty high, so if he would jump, the rope would immediately squeeze his neck.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, soon jumping. Hongjoong gasped as the rope squeezed his neck really tightly. He wasn't fighting to get out, he let it happen.

Hongjoong could still hear his phone ringing for a few seconds. He soon felt himself losing all his energy and oxygen. Not long after that, he died...

“Mingi, stop. Your phone is ringing.” Wooyoung said, pulling away from their kiss. Mingi sighed and grabbed his phone, seeing that it was a message from Hongjoong. He quickly read the message, his eyes widening. “What's wrong?” Wooyoung asked, looking at Mingi's phone. “Hongjoong.. found out.” Mingi said, showing Wooyoung the message. After Wooyoung read the message, Yunho began calling. Mingi answered the call, his hands shaking. “h-hi?”

“don't you fucking say ‘hi’ to me right now like that! Seriously, you're a fucking dumbass and asshole. Why would you fucking cheat on Hongjoong with Wooyoung when you know how much Hongjoong suffered! You don't know how much he fucking loved you.. he actually fucking loved you Mingi and you didn't fucking care! Now.. he's dead now because of you!” Yunho shouted into the phone, his voice sometimes getting cut off since there isn't a good signal in the forest.

Mingi looked down at his lap, keeping his phone to his ear. He could hear someone quietly crying in the background. Yunho soon hung up on Mingi, looking down at the ground where Hongjoong was laying with San next to him. San was sobbing quietly, his head on Hongjoong's chest to hear if his heart was still beating. They already called the ambulance, hoping that they would come as soon as possible.

San and Yunho tried their best to keep Hongjoong at least a little alive, but it was too late. Hongjoong wasn't breathing and his heart wasn't beating. San hugged Yunho tightly, both of them crying and blaming Mingi..


I'm honestly so sorry for this one.. I will try to make happier ones from now on.. today or tommorow I will update with a happier one, I promise.

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