🌼 Excitement 🍑

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Type: Fluff, Smut

Where Hongjoong and Mingi are lovers. Hongjoong is really interested in everything about vampires, still not knowing that Mingi was a vampire too..
Requested by: seongshlong



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Hongjoong and Mingi have been dating for almost 2 years now. These two already knew everything about each other, well.. almost everything. Mingi knew how fascimated his boyfriend was by vampires, but he was still afraid to tell him that he was a vampire himself. He didn't know how Hongjoong would react, that's why he was so scared to tell him.

Currently, Hongjoong was cutting some apples for himself, since he felt like eating some, while Mingi was sitting on a chair next to him, focusing on his phone. After a few seconds of silence, Mingi heard a hiss from the older male. “Shit, I cut myself..” Hongjoong cursed quietly. Mingi's eyes widened slightly as he began smelling the blood. He tried to ignore the smell, but it was really hard.

Mingi turned off his phone and stood up, walking towards Hongjoong. “You're so clumsy, Joongie..” he said softly, taking a hold of the older male's hand. He lifted his hand up to his face and sniffed slightly before licking the blood. Hongjoong blushed madly as he watched the younger male licking his finger. Mingi stopped when his fangs began showing. He wrapped his arms around Hongjoong and pulled him closer. He then grabbed one of the already cut apples and put it a little into his mouth, wanting Hongjoong to take the other end and eat it. They were basically playing a pocky game with an apple.

Hongjoong chuckled slightly and leaned closer. He then took the apple into his mouth and began eating it, moving closer to Mingi's lips. After he was really close to Mingi's lips, he smashed his lips on his. He began kissing Mingi passionately, which made Mingi surprised. He tried to quickly pull away, since his fangs were still out, but before he could pull away, Hongjoong already felt them. Hongjoong pulled away and tilted his head. “What.. are those? Open your mouth.” he said.

Mingi looked around nervously, soon opening his mouth, revealing his fangs to the older male. Hongjoong stared for a while, not really knowing what to say. Mingi closed his mouth again and sighed. “I-I'm sorry.. that I didn't tell you that I was a vampire..” he said softly. Hongjoong began playing with his fingers, not looking at Mingi. “Remember.. I love you, no matter what.” Hongjoong said, grabbing Mingi's hand and squeezing them gently. He then lifted his head up and put on a sweet smile. Mingi could feel his heart melting as he saw the older male's adorable smile. “You're so adorable.” Mingi said softly, putting on a gentle smile. He then leaned closer and gently kissed the older male's lips, pulling away after a few seconds. Hongjoong wrapped his arms around Mingi's neck and pulled him closer, smashing his lips on the younger male's and kissing him passionately. Mingi smirked against the older male's lips and pulled away. “Well.. someone got a little horny.” he whispered. Hongjoong smiled innocently and gently grabbed the younger male's hands again, placing them on his butt. “I want you..” Hongjoong whispered, placing his hands on Mingi's chest.

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