🍑 Tease 🍑

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Type: Smut(?) A shitty smut

Where Hongjoong keeps teasing and making everything sexual in front of Mingi while dance practice. Mingi then decided to give Hongjoong what he wants..



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Mingi sighed slightly as he kept looking at Hongjoong who was dancing to HyunA's ‘Lip & Hip’ (queen). The older male has been dancing to sexy girl group and boy group dances almost the whole practice, even though the other members were taking a break. Hongjoong kept sending Mingi winks, biting on his lower lip sexily and smirking. The other members thought that it was weird that their leader was acting like that, but they didn't care that much. Everyone was mostly focusing on their own things.

Mingi tried to look away from his boyfriend, trying to not get hard. It was hard to focus on everything else since his Hongjoong looked so sexy and tasty at the moment..

Mingi quickly shook his head and sighed, trying to look at his phone. He looked at Hongjoong right when he was dropping down, shaking his hips sexily and looking at Mingi. Mingi looked away, a blush on his cheeks. He could feel himself getting hard when he continued looking at the leader.

After a while they began practicing again. Their dance practice was almost ending, so they just decided to do their songs Wave, Say my Name, Hala Hala and Treasure.

Hongjoong was trying to look sexy again, mostly when he was doing his parts, since Mingi was always staring at him. He slut dropped, an innocent look on his face as he looked up at Mingi. Mingi bit on his lower lip when he saw the older male slut drop in front of him and look at him with an innocent expression. Mingi then looked away, trying to look like nothing happened while thinking what he should do to the older male when they get to the dorms.

The boys soon finished dancing. Mingi walked over to Hongjoong and wrapped his arm around his waist, leaning closer to his ear. “You're being so naughty today..” he whispered, his hand sliding down to Hongjoong's ass, squeezing it gently. Hongjoong blushed slightly as he looked up at him, letting the younger male touch him. Mingi smirked and soon pulled away, walking over to his things and grabbing them. Hongjoong stood in the same place for a few seconds before following his boyfriend, grabbing his own things. The boys then left the dance room, some of them sighing in relief.

Soon they arrived at the dorm. The boys decides that they wanted to go eat, but without Hongjoong and Mingi, since the two boys didn't want to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). The other boys left the dorm, leaving Hongjoong and Mingi alone. Hongjoong played with his fingers a dark blush on his face as he looked up at Mingi who was standing in front of him. Mingi gently grabbed his chin and leaned closer to his face, wrapping his arm around his waist and pulling him closer. “Now.. I think that someone deserves a punishment for teasing me at practice..” he whispered, soon pulling away and leading him to their shared room. Hongjoong followed the younger male, a small smile on his lips since he was kinda excited. He was finally getting what he wanted from his boyfriend the whole day.

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