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Hey guys,

So welcome to the sequel, as you can see I decided on the first cover. The votes seemed pretty even so I just went with my gut instinct in the end, which was this one.

Hope you all enjoy it ^.^



I drifted in and out of sleep, part of me wanting to wake up, and the other part wanting nothing more than to stay in my cocooned state forever. However reality was slowly seeping back into my veins, as my dreams became less vivid and more questionable, and my memories began to blur back together.

When I opened my eyes, all i could see was the white ceiling above me. But this ceiling was higher than the one I was used to. And as I turned my head I took in the room I was lying in. Navy blue walls, a creme carpet... this was certainly not my normal surroundings. The room was tidy, except for the rucksack propped up against the wardrobe. I could see my clothes lying in a heap on the floor next to it, and I guess that was when my memories came back into focus.

I remembered getting home to my aunt and uncle's house after spending a selfish amount of time with Gerard, only to see they'd found the drugs stuffed in my wardrobe. Of course, they weren't for my own use, but rather a tip that came as a result of a drug drop I had been roped into. Not that it would have made much difference to them even if they had known the truth.

The facts had remained that I'd been smuggling drugs into their home, and that was the final straw in a huge build up, finally sending them off the edge.

They'd kicked me out of their house, and part of me was almost hurt by how quickly they washed their hands of me. Not that I could really talk as I had always been open about my despisal for them and their home. Except my cousin, of course. Ray was about the only family member who didn't currently hate my guts. Well, at least I thought he didn't. It was hard to tell by the guarded expression he'd been wearing when I'd left.

My mind skipped to turning up on Kellin's doorstep, recalling the offer he'd mentioned weeks ago when he'd told me I was always welcome to the spare room in his house if the bullshit got too much at home. At the time i'd thanked him and moved on, not realising i'd soon be taking him up on it.

He'd welcomed me in, telling me how his parents were never here and wouldn't mind anyway, as they liked to think of him having some company and not being holed up in that massive house alone. Of course, he had Vic, but his parents didn't know about him yet.

He didn't ask too much, which i was extremely grateful of. I knew i'd have to tell him something soon though, as my tired and drained expression that i'd worn when I arrived was enough for him to send me straight to the guest bed, but I guessed that now I was rested up he'd want to know more. At least Kellin already knew a lot about Ian and his gang, so it wouldn't come as too big of a shock to him to learn the rest of the details.

I think i'd have to keep the part about Gerard from him for a while longer though, as I feared that might just tip him over the edge.

With a yawn I stretched out my arms, enjoying the comfort of the double bed, with freshly washed sheets and a safe feeling to the whole room that I got in few places these days. I'd always liked Kellin's house, and not because of it's size or the expensive objects within it. I liked the sense of life it had, with friends always coming and going, people crashing on the sofa like a second home and Kellin always eager to make them a slice of toast as they did so. I knew he'd only get lonely otherwise, which was why he liked to surround himself with people.

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now