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used as a greeting or to begin a telephone conversation.

Synonyms: hi, greetings, hey (slang), good afternoon/morning (depending), acknowledge

Synonyms: hi, greetings, hey (slang), good afternoon/morning (depending), acknowledge

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8:49 am Seoul


Too slow.

Too slow to block the first hit, and even slower to further protect it - his opening, his left rib. A rookie stance, or at least a stupid one. His elbows too high, too far. Practically begging to be - his elbows lift - hit, over and over again.

My fist are greedy and his frustration intoxicating. The joy I get from riling someone up is borderline sadistic. I'm aware. But the exasperated response is freeing - opens my chest the same way riding a big ass roller coaster does. It's Joyful. Smug heavy and thrilling.

A cheap thrill, sure, but one none the less. And one of my healthier coping mechanism -- even if it is fighting.

I have to laugh, taking a knee to his rib as I do.

This had also become a necessity of late.

"Fuck" he attempts to retreat.

Come on.

I hit twice more but quickly get bored.

"Fight dude" I step back to give him time to recompose.

Pull yourself together and -

"Fight, come on"

I stretch a little while he catches his breath, trying to work the kid up -- further.

"Kid", technically older but -- his lack of tactic excludes a few respected years. To me at least. I'm not about to acknowledge this guys twenty something status until he lowers his God dam elbows. Or puts on a match face that doesn't reflect somewhat of a spoilt little boy; his nose flared and chest huffed like a child mid tantrum.

"Come on boy"

"Careful model, or I'll have to put a pause in your career"

"Is that some sort of threat? You planning to mess with this money maker?" I tap my cheek and grin.

"That's exactly what I'm saying"

"Well -- you'd have to at least make one hit to do that" I smile full teeth, like the cheeky shit I am.

"Let's go"

He charges fast with his fist back, up, ready to punch, his yell might've frightened some newbie but all I see is an idiot dude trying on a gorilla impression (a stupid gorilla) - his stomach, chest and in fact, face all exposed.

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