if monalisa was gay

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(of a person, especially a woman or child) attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful.

Synonyms: attractive, lovely, good-looking, nice-looking, fetching, prepossessing, appealing, charming, delightful, nice, engaging, pleasing, darling, sweet, dear, adorable, lovable, winning, winsome, cute, as pretty as a picture, dainty, graceful, handsome, well favoured, personable, beautiful, glamorous, gorgeous, ravishing, bewitching, alluring

12:30 pm Seoul

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12:30 pm Seoul

"Jennie, I'll see you later today"

"I know"

"In like two hours"

"I know"

"You have to go"

"I know"


"I know, I know, I know"

But I bury my head further.

"They're watching" she warns.

"I don't care" I retort.

"They're going to be mad at me for making you late"

"I'm not late, they're early"

"It's twelve-thirty" she so matter-factly points out.

"Exactly. We're supposed to meet at one" so shove that matter-factly up your time police - 

"Wasn't that before you asked them to pick you up?"

That –


"And they said, we'll be there at 12:30"

No that's, that's not the point...of...things...

"Hmm?" Lisa coax.

"I...they're...but...hmph" I resort to hugging, clutching her tighter. Thinking maybe I could just squeeze all the senses out.

"I told you I could've dropped you off" 

I roll my eyes and grumble an incredibly immature version of her "I told you".

"Well, I did!"

"But I didn't want to get out of bed yet. I just wanted a little more time...cuddling" 

"That doesn't make much sense you know – and in fact, we would have had much more time together if I was dropping you off"

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