Chapter 4-Confused

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A week later...

It was the day before I had to go back home. I was excited and happy to see my parents, especially after nearly dying again this year. I never told them the full extent of just how much danger I get into because of Harry and Ron. Mostly Harry. Darker thoughts had been harder to suppress this week whenever I was around them. I wanted to constantly hurt them but refrained. They had just continued like we hadn't just nearly died. Ron and Harry had really pissed me off earlier hence why I'm just heading towards the shopping district to calm myself down. And because of a letter I had received. I was intrigued.

Half an hour ago...

I just sat down and started eating for breakfast when an owl landed on the table, somehow not knocking any plates at all like most owls. It was pitch black with dark grey eyes. I didn't recognize the owl and was confused to who it belonged to. The letter in its beak dropped next to my bowl but before I could open it, Ron spoke, more like shouted. "Who's that letter from Hermione? A boyfriend?" I scoffed, rolled my eyes and looked at him and said, "No idea and if it was why should I tell you?" he started to get red in the face, almost matching his hair. "You shouldn't have a boyfriend. You're not allowed." My mouth dropped open and I stared in shock at his face. Anger consumed me as I shouted "RONALD WEASELY!" I saw him flinch. I got a satisfied feeling through my body. I fought back feral grin and continued. "How dare you! I'm not someone that you can control. You have no right to tell me what I am allowed and not allowed!" His face was now matching his hair. Harry spoke shocking me further. "Hermione, maybe you should listen to him. You can be naïve." I looked at the both of them in disbelief. Not only was I hurt but I started to get angry by how controlling they were. Have they always been like this? Pure rage washed over me. I stood and snapped, "Both of you can go to hell." I stormed out but before I exited the hall, which had gone quiet, I turned around and said, "By the way, I'm gay." I turned; leaving them frozen in shock.


I had opened the letter and it simply stated:

Meet at the alley near the bookshop and the information you seek shall be received.

He has eyes everywhere.

Trust and tell no one.

I was extremely confused, slightly scared but overall curious. Though I did believe that any information that this person would be useful. I glanced around more of a nervous habit now but recognized no one since most had gone home now. I made my way to the alleyway. I entered the alleyway surprisingly calm. I couldn't see anyone, but my senses told me that there was person present. "I know you're here." My voice was calm. I jumped and spun around when a gruff deep voice spoke. "Good, your senses are sharp already. That's very good. You are very powerful already Young one." A man stepped into the light slightly and I held back a gasp. He had dark brown hair that was shaved and scars across his face. Almost glowing tattoos ran down his neck and arms. He was around 6ft and had a massive muscular build. That wasn't what made me gasp. It was the fact that his eyes were so different. He had one the was pure white and the other pure black. "Who are you?" He grinned slightly and "Surely your read about me Young one? I have been waiting for you for centuries." I gasped as it clicked. "Lucian Kahn?" he grinned. "The one and only." I stuttered out "'s impossible. You are dead. Or at least that was what the book had stated. I read that you had been dead for over 40 years!" He rolled his eyes and replied "Not everything you read is genuine. Now come child. Seeing as we don't have much time." I was slightly hesitant; I was tense, but something was telling me to trust him, so I relaxed, and I followed.

Hope you enjoyed!
Updated 13/01/20

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