Chapter 28-Quite a fall

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*Smirking while dodging hexes*

This scene will be different from the movie/books. The truths finally out. Decided to publish two chapters today and because the previous one was too short.

Draco's wand remained on Dumbledore as he smiled at me saying, "I should have known it would have been you Hermione. What a shame. Surly you can see what you are doing is wrong?" I chuckled humourlessly and replied. "I'm only doing what is right. At least I don't lie. You have manipulated those around you for so long. Many have been shown the truth. You would have been happily manipulating everyone around, leaving them in the dark." He went to speak but I cut him off angrily. 

"Though when people find out the truth, you hide it don't you. Weather that's through manipulations, cover ups or murders. The so called 'dark' side isn't as dark as you make it out to be. You should look at yourself and see how dark you really are. You killed my parents, set to kill who I thought were my friends, and controlled Harry from the day he was born all because of a prophecy that you had placed!" I snarled out "You seem to like killing children's parent's, don't you? Killing Harry's once you found out he was the 'chosen one.' Can't handle not being known as the greatest wizard in the world. Then killing my parents once I contracted lycanthropy and attempting to kill me." I could knew Harry was near and I could smell his fear and sense his disbelief.

I didn't realise that my body had begun to tremble in pure anger. I heard the door go, smelling Bella's scent getting closer and closer; Dumbledore eyeing me and Draco in shock. "You two aren't alone. There are others. How?" Draco replied smugly. "The vanishing Cabinet in the room of requirement. I've been mending it." Dumbledore continued to look at us in shock. "Let me guess, it has a twin." Draco smirked; his voice smug. "Borgin and Burkes. They form a passage." Dumbledore was in clear shock but held some awe to his voice as he spoke. "Ingenious." He paused, before again, attempting to appeal to Draco. "Draco, years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you." Draco cut him off angrily. "I don't want your help." I smirked as Bella arrived saying, "Look what we have here." She walked past me, her hand running across my back soothingly, my anger dimming slightly. She walked up to Draco saying, "Well done Draco." I could hear the appreciation in her voice and feel her pride that her niece had done so well. She gave Draco a loving kiss on the cheek, him smiling. Dumbledore spoke with disgust in his voice. "Evening Bellatrix." I growled slightly, Bella seemingly gliding over to my side as he said. "I think introductions are in order, don't you?"

Bella spoke, her voice light and smug, knowing he was trying to bide his time. "I would love to Albus, but I'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule." Bella turning to me and saying, "Aren't we love?" I smiled as Dumbledore connected the dots. I could sense Bella wanted to rub it in Dumbledores face more as I felt Bella's arms wrap around my waist, her scent engulfing my senses, soothing my rising anger. Unable to stop the shudder as her teeth grazed my neck. Dumbledore looked on with disgust and said, "Of course you would be mated to that-" My snarl cut him off, "Be careful what you say Albus." His mouth seemed to snap shut and I took this as my cue to reveal what I know. "See the thing is Albus, is that despite you seemingly having eyes and ears everywhere, we were always steps ahead of you. Constructing everything from the shadows but always making sure that no one would ever find out who's the true dark lord." His eyes widened in shock and I didn't stop the smile. "Oh yes. I linked it all together." I grinned savagely as I said. "You see, I did my research, gathered my facts and linked it all together." His eyes narrowed in anger. "Impossible." Bella cackled saying, "Oh my muddy can do many impossible things. Especially with her tongue." I contained my laughter as Draco made a retching noise and Greyback say "Of course you would say that."

"You see, Albus. From the beginning you have controlled from the shadows, hiding in plain sight. Forcing James Potter to peruse Lilly Evans, poor Lily being controlled by James; making sure that Severus never had a chance with her. Planting the prophecy, made up by you. You and Moody killing Harry's parents, and then planting that on Tom, who in fact went to help them. Making sure the Longbottom's where unable to escape you for trying to help Lily; making them go insane then framing Bella for a crime she never committed. Killing my birth parents so I would end up with the Grangers, not knowing my true heritage and then killing them once I found the truth. See, you have been the Dark lord from the beginning Albus Dumbledore but transferring that name onto a traumatised Tom Riddle so you would never be caught for your crimes." Harry had come out of his hiding place and was now stood in shock beside me. Dumbledore looked at me with so much hatred in his eyes but also pure fear because the mask he had been putting on had been broken.

Dumbledore went to speak but Harry spoke, his voice breaking "Is it true?" Dumbledore went to deny but he knew the act was up. He slumped in defeat. No longer trying to deny as he said, "Yes, Harry but I did it for you! Everything should have worked out fine if it wasn't for you!" I could feel Dumbledore's magic rising as he faced me. I just smirked saying, "Scared that the truths out oh, great dark one." Dumbledore's eyes flared in annoyance and anger. But before he could do anything, we all looked towards who was coming up the stairs.

Only Harry looked in slight shock as Snape appeared. Dumbledore looked smug as Snape held his wand at his side. Dumbledore spoke, "Severus, please." Severus raised his wand, but it was not aimed at Dumbledore but at Harry. Before anyone could react, Snape uttered a spell that struck Harry and he held his head in pain. Me and Bella looked at each in slight confusion as Harry remained groaning in pain, holding his head. Dumbledore looked at Snape in horror and shock. "Severus, what have you done?" Snape looked at Dumbledore blankly and simply stated.

"I've returned all the memories that were taken from him and in case he could believe everything, I've included the true scenes rather than your lied filled ones." Bella let out a cackle and said, "Oh this is brilliant." I watched Severus and nodded to him knowing that he was on our side. Knowing our time was running out, I aimed my wand at Dumbledore, who was stood in complete shock. I could hear Harry muttering "It was all a lie." I grinned at Dumbledore, eyes glowing red due to my anger, before saying "The truth is finally out." and before he could anything else, I quietly said the curse. Avada Kedava. The green light striking Dumbledore too fast for him to reflect. His face showing fear, shock and then finally defeat.

My bloodlust surged forward slightly but I pushed it down knowing we had to leave. Before I eft, I looked towards a shaken Harry. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and I said "Now you know. Come find me when your ready." Though I was still mad at everything he had done, I know that he was being controlled from the beginning. Bellatrix shouted out in glee, casting the dark mark; more for dramatics than anything, rolling my eyes and she pulled on my arm and saying happily, "Come my pretty, lets celebrate and satiate your bloodlust." I growled out in glee at her meaning and ran with her through the halls, running back towards the room of requirement, not knowing how the wizarding world would react but ready to face it.

Dumbledore was dead and the truth would finally be revealed. I didn't stop the gleeful smile nor the gleeful laughter from breaking past my lips as we ran down the halls, Bella's cackle mingling with my laughter. Dumbledore was gone. I grinned. 

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

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