Chapter 10: Hunting

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Relief was all I felt when they agreed of signing the accord, the king and Queen welcoming me back whenever I wanted, also calling it a sanctuary if I needed it to be. I thanked them as we left, heading back to the mansion in a hiss of magic. George had a goofy smile on his face that I looked to Fred questions filling my mind before he shook his head with a smile mouthing to me, 'He's got a crush.'

I chuckled affectionally knowing that it was more than just a simple crush if I recalled correctly. I tracked down Bella before I found her in her sister's, Narcissa, potion room. And what a sight before me it was. Beautiful.

"You better not be drooling over my arse muddy?" Bellatrix turned and I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. She was dressed in her signature black corset dresses but she had the accessories of an apron that was dark green and brown goggles that were on top of her forehead. Her face had obviously experienced some kind of explosion because soot covered her face, circles outlining where the goggles were.

Her hair, that was a usual wild mane of hair anyway, was blown back as if she'd been struck by lightning. "Oh fuck off." My laughter only increased as she scowled at me, never looking more beautiful. She became to ramble but I was hearing none of it as I stared, before I soon swept her into my arms dipping her into a kiss. I could feel her tension melt away.

Pulling back with a smile, her answering glare softened into a look of love. "Miss me?" she scoffed saying, "Absolutely not." But I could see the fondness in her eyes when she gazed at me. "Now you've distracted me. Anyway my darling, how did the coven meeting go?" I filled her in eagerly chatting away, obsessing over the way the vampire clan worked. Soon enough, hours had passed and we soon grew tired of the long day we had so we headed off to bed.

The next morning I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed, making my way down to the kitchen and brewing myself a tea wandlessly without much thought. I began thinking on the best way to track down Harry and Ron, knowing that Tom had been wanting me to start hunting down Harry down as soon as I could and that was today.

It could take me a day, I wish it would but sadly things were never easy. Especially concerning Harry Potter. Remembering his arrogant face as he watched me get mauled by Lupin's werewolf. Though in a way, I guess I had to thank him because if he did try and stop him, I wouldn't be here today. I know I'd be blinded by the so called 'light' side and their self-righteous.

Hours later...

A spell flew past my head as I grinned disappearing into the trees. "Get after her!" The man's voice shook as he shouted out and the men followed after me. Quickly scaling up the tree, I perched myself on a branch. They never look up.

Enjoying watching them from above as they looked around in confusion, I had managed to track some of Harry's scent along with Ron and a surprisingly a third persons but I had no clue to who's scent it was. I ignored the men below as they scrambled to find me, closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale letting my wolf latch ono the scent.

Eye's snapping open and grinning as I finally got a strong enough scent of Harry. Even though I had not seen him in months since the tower incident, his scent was ingrained in my mind. Silently jumping down and setting off toward his trail, I made quick time catching up to where he was. I found, with some surprise, that it was Lavender that was with the boys and with mild amusement; I could see that the 'great' Harry Potter looked exhausted. Smelling the open cuts across their bodies from the battles they had faced.

His face was gaunt as if he hadn't eaten for a while, under his eyes held dark bag with the lack of sleep and his eyes held a haunted look. His hair was messy and greasy, clothes that no longer fit his frame were caked in dirt, and clearly had no rest with all the running.

I almost felt bad for him but remembering all he put me through, never speaking up for me and taking Dumbledore's side despite knowing the Truth about everything. No, whatever Harry got, he deserved. It looks as if Tom's mind tricks still worked. I watched as Harry looked around with paranoia, his green eyes wildly scanning. Ron was huddled up with Lavender, paying no attention to his so called friend, busy with Lavender.

Ron looked just as haggard, his ginger hair sticking up in a messy nest of curls, the bags under his eyes prominent and the mixed scent of him and Lavender, they both looked less worn out than Harry did. Still only concerned with himself I see. Prowling within the bushes, clearly seeing through their very weak shield that did barely anything to protect them or hide them from their enemies. Including me. But that was most likely due to the fact that I was a lot more powerful than either of them combined.

They had set up within a circle, a tent pitched behind them that was clearly magically infused and the curiously to where and who they got it from tickled the back of my mind but I tucked it away for later. Tom's had clearly succeed in messing with Harry's head, still somehow remaining inside his head, giving him nightmares and making Harry paranoid.

I could smell the fear that permeated the air around them, making them stick out to those that fed on that fear. Which drew dark creatures to their location like a beacon. This was not good...and I was right as I spotted two vampires heading right towards their location, all being oblivious and I had to make a choice.

I could either let them be and watch with some glee as they are ripped apart or I would have to reveal myself by saving them. Admittedly I would rather sit back and watch it all unfold but sadly I knew I could not let this happen because Harry still had his role to play and it would complicated things. Growling out in annoyance, I blurred forward knocking the first vampire on his back, my clawed hand around his throat as I sent a stupefy towards the other vampire that got close to Harry. The vampire vanishing into the forest further with the power of the spell. Harry's voice was full of shock, staring wide eyed at me. "Hermione?" I released a sigh, "Hello Harry." 

I've been super ill this past week, hence the slow with publishing my chapters. 

Hope you enjoyed!

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