Chapter 22-New changes

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I had returned to Malfoy manor, covered in blood, with two day left to spare. Bella had rushed out alongside Narcissa with worry. Not that either woman would admit it. Bella was furious once I told her what I had ended up finding. I couldn't not follow the trail that had been left, so I tracked down and I was revolted and angered by what I had found. Fighting rings for magical creatures. Centaurs, vampires, and werewolves. They were near rabid and feral as they had been in captivity for so long. No mercy was given to the men and women that had stolen them from their homes. I may had also let the bloodlust take over and eventually came back to myself on day three. My alpha side, for some reason, seem to know who I was pissed off at and had hunted them down.

I returned home feeling ashamed. Not only for the loss of control but because I didn't protect those, I had a responsibility to. I was supposed to protect them, but I had failed. Bella had tried to reassure me but not even she could help. I became more determined and sent an owl for Lucian requesting that we set up a safe house or area's for creatures that need it. He was ecstatic once I had explained my plan. Since I had gotten my inheritance, both money and properties, I knew I had to make a safe place for any magical creature that would need it, making sure I included rehabilitation centres for those who would need to be re-instated back into their natural habitats. I held a meeting with the other protectors, and all agreed, putting forward their ideas. Finding staff would be easy but finding staff that I could trust would be harder. I knew it would work out in the end though. There was nothing I could do legally, but I could do something about it and if that meant hunting those who harmed those that I am responsible for protecting, then so be it.

Even though majority of my time was spent on this new scheme, I still managed to spend what little time I had with Bella. We talked about what could potentially happen and despite my worries, I knew everything would go accordingly to plan. I spent the last day with Bella, we hardly left the bedroom though we did talk, sometimes. But most of our time was relishing in my beautiful mates moans and gasps of pleasure. Relishing in her touch as I knew it would be the last for a couple months, I craved Bella like a drug. We had talked about me marking her once all this was over, to complete our bond. Lucian had explained that if I was to mark her now, the separation would be unbearable for the first couple months and I would be quick to anger without my mate, so we decided it would be to wait, even though ever time she bared her neck or arched my gums aches to sink my teeth into her neck. It got harder every day, but I knew it would be worth the wait.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Luna spoke "Good morning Hermione. Distracted?" I huffed as Pansy said, "Aww don't worry Hermione, it's only a couple of months." I sighed and replied "Your lucky. You and Draco get to see each other all the bloody time, and you don't have a soul bond." Luna touched my arm and said with a knowing twinkle in her eyes. "It will all be fine Hermione. Big things are going to happen soon. I know what you want to happen, and I know it will work out." We all stared at Luna, not knowing how she even knew as my face flushed, Pansy and Draco looked between us in confusion as I hissed out "Luna!" She just smiled while my mind was running a mile a minute in panic thinking I had forgot to hide my gift that had been sitting in my pocket for months now but reassured myself when my fingers wrapped around the item.

There was something I wanted to do and had already got what I wanted but I hadn't told anyone. Though I knew Luna just knew things, so her words reassured me a little. It was hard to hide this from Bella, but I had succeeded, though she knew I was hiding something though I had told her it was a surprise. Though I wasn't sure how she would accept it; we had talked about it before and she didn't care either way, but a war was approaching, and I wanted to make sure that everyone knew once everything came to light. I had researched and found surprisingly that it wasn't as hated as many made it out to be. In fact, the wizarding world was more open to gay marriage than the muggle world, though pureblood families were more set in their traditional ways. I had inquired about it when I had a conversation with Narcissa and she had just smiled at me, giving her permission even though I hadn't asked, leaving me flushed in embarrassment but feeling relieved at the same time. Bella's voice drifting through my mind "I do not need a ring to show others that your mind, but I wouldn't be opposed to outwardly claiming you to the rest of the world." The memory of what happened after Bella's loving and possessive statement sending heat throughout my body.

I shook off my thoughts as we arrived at the gates of Hogwarts. I had travelled with Luna, Draco and Pansy, Neville was meeting us there. I no longer caring what anyone thought anymore as things would be changing. Both muggle and wizarding world were not ready for what was to come. 

I was not sure about this chapter but though, eh why not, so I hope you enjoy. 

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